Original Channeling March 2011 @ 2:00 AM in Mena House, Giza, Egypt; then, during an early morning meditation today, Thoth/Tehuti appeared in my mind and, among some other things, reminded me of this profound message, telling me it was very pertinent for US all NOW... During that mental meandering along the path of remembering my time in Egypt (each of the 4 previous journeys holding their own brand of enlightenment, soul development and remembering and inspiration, so it occurred to me that I should share this message with the idea that Thoth intends it to "fit" with your current situation in some way or many ways. Ahlem to those who have and are awake to the mysteriesl and wonders of the Neteru as their name is the source word of "NATURE" in every way for a message from the Keeper of Time/Akasha Records, Thoth (ancient name: Tehuti) and one of my most significant Egyptian guides through which I find personal truth within his words -- I hope the same for my readers. (Ahlen means Hello, it may be the welcome to and from any location that suits your personal heart and soul.) (PS, the reference to "returning again" that caught attention is that I am planning to return to Egypt with Indigo Renlov and Normandi Ellis next March (Mysteries of Egypt, Tours)
Thoth/Tehuti spoke today, reminding and bringing peace to my heart: "Ahlen to the wanderer – You have found your way home, Egypt and soon will return to us again."
Let me answer the question I have seen adrift in your mind . . . The Neteru are the ancient ones; oh, not gods in the way of something to be feared or used for dark purposes of manipulation of others. We are ethereal beings – untouchable, ineffable, unknowable and Divine – but our light/energy is not too bright to look upon for we are archetypal energy-beings, you may find us to be as others know to be gods/goddesses and if you wish to seek to know us again, look with equally kind eyes and heart and we shall be found. In the time of the Beginning, we walked the earth with humankind, but you shall also evolve spiritually and be/become . . . Some know us as the Ascended Masters and by many other cultural diverse names, but anyone who wills it may still walk with us among the mists in trance/meditation or dreams. You can hear our whispering if you listen carefully with an open mind and heart for we reside within the dark places in our ruined temples yet; the stone was infused with our worship and essence and may yet be reawakened by those who will it so for the stone remembers our heka/magic as it does our essence and purity of spirit.
There is but a few dimensional layers of separating you from us – as the erotic dance of seven veils, the layers are as silk but etheric shifts of energy; each more elegantly beautiful than the one before. As a dancer stripped each veil away from her body writhing with music, so you may strip away layers of supernatural mystery for knowledge is but a form of unchangeable energy that allows eventual access to my Akashic Records and therein lies the nakedness of your life/story in the greatest detail and open to a human heart – but only if you are willing to share your heartbeats to create the drumbeat rhythm of the dance with the gods/Neteru for then you shall know us as we know you; as you once knew us in the purity of spirit and understanding, acceptance and . . . AS ABOVE; SO BELOG AS WITHIN; SO WITHOUT.
We wish to share with humankind who have forgotten what we remember and ignore how we reach with golden bones for the hands of flesh. Come dance with us, the dance of the Neteru through time, space and even your science for truth cannot exist without the balance of all three – better known as Ma’at goddess of Cosmic Balance. When we both pull closer to the other, equally eager for the rejoining, remerging and reconnection . . . then, you shall have re-membered as an energy being (as Isis re-membered the precious pieces of Osirus) . . . therefore, it has already been done.
Each person who embarks on this spiritual journey stands at a place of timelessness – in the NOW – no matter the moment they decide to inquire that which bides within, they need only remember that by that knowing, it is already answered. Each shall find their answer or truth – likely not at that moment when asked, but rather at the correct timing for them to remember. Fear is but a passing fancy of the ego, which is within god/goddess/Neteru or human, alike. We share that need to balance aspects such as light/dark, yin/yang, good/evil and truth/deception as these are natural or nature, a word derived from our collective title – Neteru.
I close with this imagery of the Neteru – as goddess/gods, we shall forever paint our existence in watercolor hues, born from pure vibrations as the colors in a rainbow . . . each being but smoke to the mind, an essence so subtle and gentle within, yet with a raging strength that flows from the brush of time . . . thus, as analogous entities, we may walk upon the earth seen or unseen, fly across the skies, swim in the waters or brave the fires ignited by spirit, emotion and things of the physical realm. Alas, we shall walk hand-in-hand with you if you desire it so and take you along the pathway into a future not-yet-determined and that shall be born from thought, will and deed of those who remember/re-member us. We are always nearby, willingly we shall respond if invoked or evoked, but only by those who seek truth or dare to ask the ancient mysteries. No matter the name you call out, a heart open for communion with the gods/goddesses, whether by ancient or new names, may know us as beings wishing only to be truly understood and trustworthy only to those who seek nothing more than . . . TRUE WISDOM.
Sah Sekhem Sahu,
Thoth/Tehuti spoke today, reminding and bringing peace to my heart: "Ahlen to the wanderer – You have found your way home, Egypt and soon will return to us again."
Let me answer the question I have seen adrift in your mind . . . The Neteru are the ancient ones; oh, not gods in the way of something to be feared or used for dark purposes of manipulation of others. We are ethereal beings – untouchable, ineffable, unknowable and Divine – but our light/energy is not too bright to look upon for we are archetypal energy-beings, you may find us to be as others know to be gods/goddesses and if you wish to seek to know us again, look with equally kind eyes and heart and we shall be found. In the time of the Beginning, we walked the earth with humankind, but you shall also evolve spiritually and be/become . . . Some know us as the Ascended Masters and by many other cultural diverse names, but anyone who wills it may still walk with us among the mists in trance/meditation or dreams. You can hear our whispering if you listen carefully with an open mind and heart for we reside within the dark places in our ruined temples yet; the stone was infused with our worship and essence and may yet be reawakened by those who will it so for the stone remembers our heka/magic as it does our essence and purity of spirit.
There is but a few dimensional layers of separating you from us – as the erotic dance of seven veils, the layers are as silk but etheric shifts of energy; each more elegantly beautiful than the one before. As a dancer stripped each veil away from her body writhing with music, so you may strip away layers of supernatural mystery for knowledge is but a form of unchangeable energy that allows eventual access to my Akashic Records and therein lies the nakedness of your life/story in the greatest detail and open to a human heart – but only if you are willing to share your heartbeats to create the drumbeat rhythm of the dance with the gods/Neteru for then you shall know us as we know you; as you once knew us in the purity of spirit and understanding, acceptance and . . . AS ABOVE; SO BELOG AS WITHIN; SO WITHOUT.
We wish to share with humankind who have forgotten what we remember and ignore how we reach with golden bones for the hands of flesh. Come dance with us, the dance of the Neteru through time, space and even your science for truth cannot exist without the balance of all three – better known as Ma’at goddess of Cosmic Balance. When we both pull closer to the other, equally eager for the rejoining, remerging and reconnection . . . then, you shall have re-membered as an energy being (as Isis re-membered the precious pieces of Osirus) . . . therefore, it has already been done.
Each person who embarks on this spiritual journey stands at a place of timelessness – in the NOW – no matter the moment they decide to inquire that which bides within, they need only remember that by that knowing, it is already answered. Each shall find their answer or truth – likely not at that moment when asked, but rather at the correct timing for them to remember. Fear is but a passing fancy of the ego, which is within god/goddess/Neteru or human, alike. We share that need to balance aspects such as light/dark, yin/yang, good/evil and truth/deception as these are natural or nature, a word derived from our collective title – Neteru.
I close with this imagery of the Neteru – as goddess/gods, we shall forever paint our existence in watercolor hues, born from pure vibrations as the colors in a rainbow . . . each being but smoke to the mind, an essence so subtle and gentle within, yet with a raging strength that flows from the brush of time . . . thus, as analogous entities, we may walk upon the earth seen or unseen, fly across the skies, swim in the waters or brave the fires ignited by spirit, emotion and things of the physical realm. Alas, we shall walk hand-in-hand with you if you desire it so and take you along the pathway into a future not-yet-determined and that shall be born from thought, will and deed of those who remember/re-member us. We are always nearby, willingly we shall respond if invoked or evoked, but only by those who seek truth or dare to ask the ancient mysteries. No matter the name you call out, a heart open for communion with the gods/goddesses, whether by ancient or new names, may know us as beings wishing only to be truly understood and trustworthy only to those who seek nothing more than . . . TRUE WISDOM.
Sah Sekhem Sahu,