So what happens when a tarot reader finds themselves bored? New layouts are created. When I was a little girl, my grandmother kept telling me that "idle hands were the devil's workshop". I was never quite sure what that meant, but the concept worried me so it became a sort of compulsion to never allow my hands to just rest idly even if watching television - or it might be due to being a Gemini and an inherit desire to have many projects going at once. Either way, the following layout was the result of a literal and figurative flight of fancy, which idle hands became a dragon's workshop.
Recently, dragons have been literally flying inspiration into my life in a variety of ways and therefore is was hardly a leap to incorporate their imagery and The Celtic Dragon Tarot. created by DJ Con way (artwork by Lisa Hunt) and her book, "Dancing with Dragons" into a reading which required a bit of whimsy to address a more serious mirror of the soul. The dragons of ancient mythology were considered to be wise, beautiful guides and friends to humankind (unlike the vicious, villains in science fiction/fantasy movies and literature) and, therefore, it seemed to be a natural transition to use that conceptual being as a gatekeeper which one might seek for insight and inner wisdom. How might one consult this personal gatekeeper/dragon for answers? There is an old cliche that says, The eyes are the windows of the soul and what are mirrors but windows painted on one side which produce a reflection of whatever is within or facing it. So, tossing all these metaphors into a magic cauldron, adding a pinch of creative imagination, some wing of bat, eye of newt, and a dragon scale or two; and WALLAH! A tarot layout which can open the doorway into the subconscious realm.
The title, Seeking the Inner Dragon, is self-explanatory and employs the concept of looking into the eyes (mirror) of a dragon which represents the individual's personal power (A clarification of this is exemplified by a Shamanistic journey whereby one might shape shift and become the dragon in order to experience it's wisdom and power.). The concept requires creative visualization, however, the layout design is meant to enable this in a tangible way by which the individual may come face to face with their inner self - both conscious and subconscious, for we are nothing without both halves of our psyche.
This tarot layout becomes an individual journey both within and without. Each morning, we sleepily look in our bathroom mirror, comb and style our hair, put on makeup (or shave for the male readers), and head off to begin our daily routine. But do we truly SEE ourselves? This reading will enable one to SEE themselves as they really are - complete with faults, shortcomings, and negative aspects, as well as attributes, advantages and potential. Even in cases where old fears or self-doubts are stored deep within the subconscious mind, this reading can illuminate them and point toward healing. Metaphysical teachers speak of "The Dark Night of the Soul" in which we are forced to face our inner fears and demons (such as those from past abuse or emotional loss). They remain lurking in the shadows of the subconscious, ignored and repressed for many years, until our spiritual growth demands that we face and heal them. Though it is true that such situations usually require the assistance of a professional psychologist or counselor to work through, using this reading to look in the dragon's mirror will serve to emphasize when there is a "need" for healing. It is meant to simply allow the reader to become gently aware of the existence of these buried issues and prepare to face them and move on. At that point, the client should be directed toward professional help to deal with such situations and begin healing such serious matters as addictions (smoking, drugs, alcohol, shopping, etc.), abuse, or other major psychological problems which may surface in this or any other tarot reading.
However, the shadow (subconscious) side does not have to be about deep-seated or serious issues. It can hold untapped potential or talents which have been overruled by the consciousness, mundane world and a busy lifestyle or disguised by our opinions and self-denial.
Let us now embark on a journey which can provide helpful insight into both halves of the ego-self. It is a gentle approach. The path meanders through the realm of fantasy and powerful dragons lead the way. It is not uncommon for writers to deal with difficult issues in society via the creation of fantastic worlds and characters with super powers who solve the lessons and save mankind. More than that, they make us think! The astral realm invades our sleep with vividly obscure scenarios often called nightmares. These are the subconscious mind's way of getting our attention when all else has failed. They appear to de-stress the over-loaded conscious mind and keep the ego from overruling reason as we strive to solve our problems of the mundane world. This is where artists and writers create and the career-oriented develop new plans and ideas to strive higher. Facing the demons of the subconscious is, therefore, not all bad and be magical. In magic, there is a belief that if you can name it, you gain power over it. Therefore, by addressing the subconscious and the conscious mind, one can name both the demons and potentials, alike, and gain control over them both. Your life can be yours again or at least acquire some handles for easier manipulation.
The reading is designed to seek out both potential and problems which may be interfering with the individual's life path progress. Occasionally, I find that past lives may be indicated from which unexplained issues and/or ailments may have been carried forward into this lifetime. The basic layout uses the imagery of facing a personal friend in the form of a dragon who will honestly present truth from both the inner and outer self. The individual can interact with each side of the this dragon - the subconscious, masked self and the conscious, vulnerable self - in a very insightful manner. The key to this reading is to take the responsibility only for what belongs to the individual, and be willing to make changes. In order to allow healing or enhance your personal life in some manner, remember that you must also forgive yourself - FIRST. When indicated, the reader should always suggest professional counseling services, medical assistance/treatment 01 spiritual advice. Of course, this reading may indicate easier solutions even with the more difficult issues - such as planning, prioritizing, making a list, etc. When the reading reveals a hidden potential or a talent in art, music, writing or other skills; then a suggestion may be made to merely begin doing something or to purchase some materials, begin writing a personal journal or to sketch out ideas. If this individual is an executive itching to spread their wings, perhaps suggest that they go back to school for further skills or send out their resumes with courage. Magic does not work without some physical effort, and neither will the inner dragon spread its wings if you simply shuffle the cards without heeding their call and doing something.
As you now prepare to do this reading, think of it as looking into the mirror (eyes) of your dragon's face (your own soul). Prepare to face whatever is revealed with courage and a determination that you will benefit from this journey with excitement and a positive outlook. Shuffle the cards and relax your thoughts. You may say aloud or silently something like, 7 wish to face the dragon that is truly myself and see what is revealed. I open my heart to the conscious and the subconscious mind and allow all that is revealed to provide understanding of my true self and my personal, inner power." The diagram below shows each card's position and is followed with its explained.
v Card 1- As you lay this card, say, "I (you) face the dragon within." This card represents what you might see in the mirror (or the face of the dragon) as what will be your gateway into both the conscious and subconscious realm..
v Card 2 - Represents what stands in the way of accepting or examining the inner self.
v Card 3 - RIGHT EYE - Foresight; the focus of the consciousness. What is seen
in the outer/mundane world with this the everyday focus.
v Card 4 - LEFT EYE - Hindsight and/or the perceptions of the subconscious.
What might be seen by the inner self; what is observed in the dream/astral realms.
v Card 5 - RIGHT EAR - What messages, information or demands come from the
outer world; what do we hear and accept through the sense of hearing. What we
may listen to and perceive from the everyday world.
v Card 6 - LEFT EAR - What messages, information or what our inner voice is
trying to tell us - sometimes thought of as the conscience, but here this little inner
voice speaks volumes about our psyche/soul desires.
v Card 7 - The HEART - (The Heart of the Matter) This card reveals emotional attachments or how one may be over-emotionalizing issues. Here one finds truth and acknowledgment. It is the feeling card - gut instincts or secret desires as well
v Card 8, 9 & 10 - The RIGHT WING - These three cards demonstrate what we carry forth into the mundane world and the future. It may be interpreted as follows:
· Card 8 - Closest to the body and least flexible aspect or responsibility that ma>
hold everyday focus in line.
· Card 9 - The center of the wing and the most easily adjusted issues or
· responsibilities; what is most changeable in any situation.
· Card 10 - Wingtip and the least important situation, yet require or demand our constant attention to detail. Perhaps the most adjustable situation or easily ignored.
v Card 11,12 & 13 - The LEFT WING - These three cards demonstrate what is being carried within the individual as potentials or problems. It is the source from which positive energy can fly forward out of the hidden realm into the everyday conscious realm, and be released for application into one's life.
· Card 11 - Closest to the body and least flexible aspect that most closely
relates to everyday focus and often prevents deeper insight to be
· Card 12 - The center of the wing and most easily adjusted; changeable situations. The more accessible areas where healing old problems or positive energy is available for potential qualities are ready to work with.
· Card 10 - Wingtip and the situations that require less attention to detail. May be more elusive and harder to access from within the conscious realm, but not completely out of reach.
v Card 14 & 15 - THE CLAWS - Both these cards indicate the messages, realizations, lessons and/or newfound wisdom which the dragon grasps in his claws and carries forward into the conscious realm and, there become values to be realized and applied to future decisions and inspiration. Each claw may be related to the same lesson/message or completely separate realizations.
Recently, dragons have been literally flying inspiration into my life in a variety of ways and therefore is was hardly a leap to incorporate their imagery and The Celtic Dragon Tarot. created by DJ Con way (artwork by Lisa Hunt) and her book, "Dancing with Dragons" into a reading which required a bit of whimsy to address a more serious mirror of the soul. The dragons of ancient mythology were considered to be wise, beautiful guides and friends to humankind (unlike the vicious, villains in science fiction/fantasy movies and literature) and, therefore, it seemed to be a natural transition to use that conceptual being as a gatekeeper which one might seek for insight and inner wisdom. How might one consult this personal gatekeeper/dragon for answers? There is an old cliche that says, The eyes are the windows of the soul and what are mirrors but windows painted on one side which produce a reflection of whatever is within or facing it. So, tossing all these metaphors into a magic cauldron, adding a pinch of creative imagination, some wing of bat, eye of newt, and a dragon scale or two; and WALLAH! A tarot layout which can open the doorway into the subconscious realm.
The title, Seeking the Inner Dragon, is self-explanatory and employs the concept of looking into the eyes (mirror) of a dragon which represents the individual's personal power (A clarification of this is exemplified by a Shamanistic journey whereby one might shape shift and become the dragon in order to experience it's wisdom and power.). The concept requires creative visualization, however, the layout design is meant to enable this in a tangible way by which the individual may come face to face with their inner self - both conscious and subconscious, for we are nothing without both halves of our psyche.
This tarot layout becomes an individual journey both within and without. Each morning, we sleepily look in our bathroom mirror, comb and style our hair, put on makeup (or shave for the male readers), and head off to begin our daily routine. But do we truly SEE ourselves? This reading will enable one to SEE themselves as they really are - complete with faults, shortcomings, and negative aspects, as well as attributes, advantages and potential. Even in cases where old fears or self-doubts are stored deep within the subconscious mind, this reading can illuminate them and point toward healing. Metaphysical teachers speak of "The Dark Night of the Soul" in which we are forced to face our inner fears and demons (such as those from past abuse or emotional loss). They remain lurking in the shadows of the subconscious, ignored and repressed for many years, until our spiritual growth demands that we face and heal them. Though it is true that such situations usually require the assistance of a professional psychologist or counselor to work through, using this reading to look in the dragon's mirror will serve to emphasize when there is a "need" for healing. It is meant to simply allow the reader to become gently aware of the existence of these buried issues and prepare to face them and move on. At that point, the client should be directed toward professional help to deal with such situations and begin healing such serious matters as addictions (smoking, drugs, alcohol, shopping, etc.), abuse, or other major psychological problems which may surface in this or any other tarot reading.
However, the shadow (subconscious) side does not have to be about deep-seated or serious issues. It can hold untapped potential or talents which have been overruled by the consciousness, mundane world and a busy lifestyle or disguised by our opinions and self-denial.
Let us now embark on a journey which can provide helpful insight into both halves of the ego-self. It is a gentle approach. The path meanders through the realm of fantasy and powerful dragons lead the way. It is not uncommon for writers to deal with difficult issues in society via the creation of fantastic worlds and characters with super powers who solve the lessons and save mankind. More than that, they make us think! The astral realm invades our sleep with vividly obscure scenarios often called nightmares. These are the subconscious mind's way of getting our attention when all else has failed. They appear to de-stress the over-loaded conscious mind and keep the ego from overruling reason as we strive to solve our problems of the mundane world. This is where artists and writers create and the career-oriented develop new plans and ideas to strive higher. Facing the demons of the subconscious is, therefore, not all bad and be magical. In magic, there is a belief that if you can name it, you gain power over it. Therefore, by addressing the subconscious and the conscious mind, one can name both the demons and potentials, alike, and gain control over them both. Your life can be yours again or at least acquire some handles for easier manipulation.
The reading is designed to seek out both potential and problems which may be interfering with the individual's life path progress. Occasionally, I find that past lives may be indicated from which unexplained issues and/or ailments may have been carried forward into this lifetime. The basic layout uses the imagery of facing a personal friend in the form of a dragon who will honestly present truth from both the inner and outer self. The individual can interact with each side of the this dragon - the subconscious, masked self and the conscious, vulnerable self - in a very insightful manner. The key to this reading is to take the responsibility only for what belongs to the individual, and be willing to make changes. In order to allow healing or enhance your personal life in some manner, remember that you must also forgive yourself - FIRST. When indicated, the reader should always suggest professional counseling services, medical assistance/treatment 01 spiritual advice. Of course, this reading may indicate easier solutions even with the more difficult issues - such as planning, prioritizing, making a list, etc. When the reading reveals a hidden potential or a talent in art, music, writing or other skills; then a suggestion may be made to merely begin doing something or to purchase some materials, begin writing a personal journal or to sketch out ideas. If this individual is an executive itching to spread their wings, perhaps suggest that they go back to school for further skills or send out their resumes with courage. Magic does not work without some physical effort, and neither will the inner dragon spread its wings if you simply shuffle the cards without heeding their call and doing something.
As you now prepare to do this reading, think of it as looking into the mirror (eyes) of your dragon's face (your own soul). Prepare to face whatever is revealed with courage and a determination that you will benefit from this journey with excitement and a positive outlook. Shuffle the cards and relax your thoughts. You may say aloud or silently something like, 7 wish to face the dragon that is truly myself and see what is revealed. I open my heart to the conscious and the subconscious mind and allow all that is revealed to provide understanding of my true self and my personal, inner power." The diagram below shows each card's position and is followed with its explained.
v Card 1- As you lay this card, say, "I (you) face the dragon within." This card represents what you might see in the mirror (or the face of the dragon) as what will be your gateway into both the conscious and subconscious realm..
v Card 2 - Represents what stands in the way of accepting or examining the inner self.
v Card 3 - RIGHT EYE - Foresight; the focus of the consciousness. What is seen
in the outer/mundane world with this the everyday focus.
v Card 4 - LEFT EYE - Hindsight and/or the perceptions of the subconscious.
What might be seen by the inner self; what is observed in the dream/astral realms.
v Card 5 - RIGHT EAR - What messages, information or demands come from the
outer world; what do we hear and accept through the sense of hearing. What we
may listen to and perceive from the everyday world.
v Card 6 - LEFT EAR - What messages, information or what our inner voice is
trying to tell us - sometimes thought of as the conscience, but here this little inner
voice speaks volumes about our psyche/soul desires.
v Card 7 - The HEART - (The Heart of the Matter) This card reveals emotional attachments or how one may be over-emotionalizing issues. Here one finds truth and acknowledgment. It is the feeling card - gut instincts or secret desires as well
v Card 8, 9 & 10 - The RIGHT WING - These three cards demonstrate what we carry forth into the mundane world and the future. It may be interpreted as follows:
· Card 8 - Closest to the body and least flexible aspect or responsibility that ma>
hold everyday focus in line.
· Card 9 - The center of the wing and the most easily adjusted issues or
· responsibilities; what is most changeable in any situation.
· Card 10 - Wingtip and the least important situation, yet require or demand our constant attention to detail. Perhaps the most adjustable situation or easily ignored.
v Card 11,12 & 13 - The LEFT WING - These three cards demonstrate what is being carried within the individual as potentials or problems. It is the source from which positive energy can fly forward out of the hidden realm into the everyday conscious realm, and be released for application into one's life.
· Card 11 - Closest to the body and least flexible aspect that most closely
relates to everyday focus and often prevents deeper insight to be
· Card 12 - The center of the wing and most easily adjusted; changeable situations. The more accessible areas where healing old problems or positive energy is available for potential qualities are ready to work with.
· Card 10 - Wingtip and the situations that require less attention to detail. May be more elusive and harder to access from within the conscious realm, but not completely out of reach.
v Card 14 & 15 - THE CLAWS - Both these cards indicate the messages, realizations, lessons and/or newfound wisdom which the dragon grasps in his claws and carries forward into the conscious realm and, there become values to be realized and applied to future decisions and inspiration. Each claw may be related to the same lesson/message or completely separate realizations.