SPELL PURPOSE: To encourage a NEW idea, project or venture (perfect for starting a New Year set of resolutions (new ventures) off on the right foot!) to sprout and grow. It can even apply for a NEW relationship. All-in-all this ritual is intended to help not only in planting the seeds or taking the initial planning steps of your new task; but also, to “GET IT OFF THE GROUND; TAKING WING AFTER IT HAS BEEN SOWN AND BEGINNING TO SPROUT AND READY FOR THE NEXT STAGE OF GROWTH OR PROGRESS.” It is also intended to aide in our usual stumbling blocks such as: procrastination, self-doubt or second guessing and/or listening too intently to outside information or un-requested advice; all of which are not uncommon with new ventures, but just create excuses for us to fail or change out mind by getting in the way of courage. It gives the energy to begin a journey we have never attempted before OR beginning a new idea/venture such as starting a business, relationship or creative project of any kind; even if the first step is so different for us that it seems impossible, as if we must begin by trudging through quicksand before finding the solid path forward. I have chosen the perfect Ancient Egyptian Card for all manner of creative beginnings for this one. Let me reiterate that this spell, as all that I have shared or will share, is NOT intended to be the ONLY way to solve a problem or start a new venture; nor do I suggest magic can take the place of the next step, which is taking physical action as a sort of proving your highest intentions for the outcome you have magically requested. Remember that avoiding unethical or unhealthy practices with your magic never pays off for magic, in general, is meant as a means of enacting change within the self, which then reflects outwardly, and thus serves as like attracting like or what you put out shall return 9-fold back to you—so, using your energy with positivity will create a space where like manifests, thereby, attracting the same positivity for your goals.
SUGGESTED DEITY: ATUM OR PTAH – PTAH-ATUM is known as the “Father of Fathers” – He is the self-creator of himself and then the Neteru/gods, as well as everything living in the world; He is the one who “bore himself and was not born”. The card comes from the Ancient Egyptian Tarot (Clive Barker) – The FOOL, which is the consummate card of the deck, having “0” as its Major Arcana number and represents the choice: “Taking a leap of faith to begin a new journey taking nothing more than one’s innate knowledge and basic skillset/tools. OR – Remaining stagnating where you are until self-esteem allows the courage to take the leap or if the time is sensed not to be right, it can mean you need to wait until it is, and things are better suited for progress forward. That can be the wiser choice, but ONLY if it is not made from FEAR or Lack of Trust or confidence in the self. Ptah is the ultimate creator god, said to have created himself from his own sperm, appearing fully grown in the First Time (Zep Tepi) on mound that rose out of the waters of NUN. I think it could be equated to Adam appearing in the Garden of Eden, but the mound was totally barren before Ptah’s creations, completely lacking the “garden” part.)
Colors: In this case, match the color of your candle, etc. to the purpose/intent of the spell. Such as for a relationship, you could choose pink to equate love; for a business venture, the choice could vary for the subject of the business or simply employ green for growth or brown for Earth.
Enhancement for the working: Alongside of The Fool/Ptah-Atum, include the ACE of the suit that corresponds with your type of venture (i.e., a new job/career – Ace of Wands; for love – Ace of Cups; for mental endeavors/artistic projects/writing books – Ace of Swords; Financial/Business related ideas -Ace of Disks)
Best Time for Enacting: New Moon on a Sunday in the Hour of the Sun: In this case at the start of a NEW YEAR, along with making New Year’s Resolutions, allowing the intention to carry its own timing.
You will Need: The FOOL Tarot Card, The ACE of Intention/Goal, 5 Sunflower Seeds (Fertility/Fire), Potting Soil (Earth), A Pot Large Enough to Plant all 5 Seeds, Allspice Incense or any Blend that is design for “Drawing Things” to you, Athame or Wand (your preference), Paper and Pen, Large Water Glass or Pitcher of Spring Water, 1 White Candle, 1 Black Candle, 1 Candle of a color to match your goal.
Preparation: Ideally, at the New Moon, (for this time, on or right after the New Year begins), set aside time when you will have no distractions or interruptions. Lay out your working altar area and the materials arranged for easy access. Place the working altar so that you may sit or stand facing EAST – The direction of the rising sun, the fiery energy of the new day and innovative ideas. Place the Fool Tarot Card in the center and the pot and soil nearby.
As with most rituals, prepare a cleansing/purifying bath before you do the work to remove any negative energy accumulated with the stresses of daily life. Run the water for a warm bath and use your favorite cleansing or energizing bath salt or simply toss in a handful of sea salt. Climb in and spend enough time to completely relax. Dry off and dress comfortably, preferably in your ritual wear, but anything comfortable will do; then enter your sacred space, feeling eager to begin anew!
Cast your circle of protection and call your quarters according to your tradition. As always, either follow this spell as it is dedicated OR reword/revise to match your preferences according to your personal traditional methodology.
Invoke the assistance from the Neter Atum (Ptah) who created himself and then the world, by saying:
“O Mighty Atum, whose name rings from time
Before time, and who created life from primordial slime,
Himself, He brought forth with Magical Intent
O Mighty Atum, guide this rite as my will is bent,
With Your wise courage show now the way
O Mighty Atum, whose name rings from time before time,
Stand with me – share your inspiration Divine
With Harm to None, nor turn back upon me,
So Mote it be!”
Place the Fool Tarot Card and your chosen Ace of representative suite in the center of the altar. Place the candles in holders as follows: Left side, place the white to represent “All Possibilities”; Right side, place the black to represent the “Creative Void”; and your “Candle of Intent Color directly to the back center. This will form a triad pointing forward toward the East’s rising Sun and the direction of – “The Coming Forth by Day” (Egyptian Cosmology Reference to Rebirthing).
Next, scatter the five Sunflower Seeds over the cards.
Then, light the candles, saying the following or something similar, beginning with the white candle:
“Candle of White, with flare I light,
Inspire with all possibilities on this night.”
“Candle of …{Color corresponding to your Intent} … with courage I light,
Empower your spirit to my venture, this night.”
“Candle of Black, with flare I light,
Creating my future from the void is of great delight.”
Light the Incense: Breathe deeply, center and begin a meditation upon the image of Atum/Ptah, using the Tarot card for that imagery inspiration. You may envision yourself as Atum in the card, and share in the preparation to begin his journey or take that leap of faith from the cliff. Visualize and breathe the primordial air, watch the earth being formed beneath your feet from chaos, the oceans “boiling” and life beginning to team everywhere around your imagined earth scape. See all developing, evolving and becoming alive in all ways; FEEL yourself as part of that growing energy in the best way you can. Indulge yourself in this visualization and yet remain the OBSERVER. Feel the great amount of energy flowing about you and through you. When you feel fully energized, say your farewell to Atum and return to the present. Retain the spark of “new life force” that you observed and KNOW it is yours to channel into your project or venture now.
Take 3 deep breaths and centralize the energy that has been build during visualization into your heart Chakra. Pick up your athame or wand. Slowly and deliberately, trace an Invoking Pentagram (Upright, 5-pointed star inside a circle) into the soil, Saying:
“By the power of three times three;
By the power of the Earth, Sun and Sea;
Enrich this soil by Divine Intent to be,
Dark is the Void and so the rich soil of Atum’s
Creational flow; Creational Energy bestow;
Fertile blessings here, by my will it be done.
With harm to none, So Mote It Be!”
Carefully, place each Sunflower seed into the soil at each point of the pentacle (5-pointed star formation) and brush a small amount of soil over each one. Hold your hands – palms down – over the pot and planted seeds and say:
“By the power of will and intent,
Five blessed points balance all elements combined,
From within darkness this new life springs,
As does my project … (Name your venture Here) …,
With harm to none, So Mote It Be!”
After a moment, pick up the Tarot Cards and, carefully PLANT them in the center of the pentacle drawn in the soil (you may need to fold them to be narrow enough to fit into center without disturbing the seeds or even use scissors and cut them into narrow strips, if you prefer; just be sure the pieces are aligned with their mates as if folded when you slide them into the soil.) As you do this, state aloud, with each insertion of card or its pieces, the intended venture of your spell goal – You are not PLANTING the IDEA as a “SEED OF THE NEW VENTURE TO BE GROWN/SPROUTED AND SO DEVELOPED” (DO NOT disturb the seeds, thereby shifting or changing how you have intended your planting to be sprouted).
This is an appropriate time to use the energy to start the venture by using the paper and pen/pencil. Jot down the next move (s) required to begin the plan; if a painting or novel, begin making notes or sketches; if a career goal, fill out an application or go through college pamphlets, etc. This action will solidify your intent/venture, however, if time is limited, you can omit this process at this time OR create facsimiles of the application or drawings to employ action with the immediate working which can go toward acting on the true steps at a following time as your “remember” the energy created during your working. Be sure to reinforce the rush of energy now or as soon after the spell working as possible; especially valuable is to follow with an action, which can be making a “TO-DO” List of the steps to be done in moving your venture forward, which can prevent procrastination or the temptation to delay and perhaps loose the energy driving your forward during the working of your spell.
When finished with that, Thank Atum and close your circle.
Ground your energy by drinking some of the Spring Water.
Afterwards, sprinkle the rest of the Spring Water lovingly over the newly-planted seeds. Allow your candles to continue to burn until they are finished. Take the flower pot to an Eastern Window. Remember to water the seeds/seedlings regularly (but not drown them with too much water, too often) to keep them (and your spell working/venture) growing stronger each day. Be sure your seeds get plenty of plant food, water, and sunlight; so, as you nurture them, your venture will be nurtured and grow strong, as well. Once they are strong enough, you will be able to plant them outside in the garden where they have enough room to continue growing and blossoming.
CONCLUSION: At the Full Moon (immediately following the New Moon you applied with this spell working) or time chosen to work this spell, repeat your affirmations as below, use them singly or say as a group:
“As these seeds are planted, so my new venture begins.”
-- or ---
“As the New Moon waxes and grows, so my new venture expands.”
--- or ---
“As the energy is directed to seed, so enthusiasm flourishes and is sustained of my Venture new.”
--- or ---
“As the seeds sprout and grow, so this venture reaches the heights.”
Withdraw the Tarot Cards (Fool and Ace or their pieces) carefully from the soil and wipe the soil away. If you chose to cut them, tape them back together to essentially have the whole card, back intact. Fill it with your love and energy. Stick them to a surface where you will see them each morning as you look out at the rising SUN (even later at the sunflowers growing in your garden would be a plus.). Let it inspire your forward progress, since this spell can be used for ventures that require a long-term for their completion and the cards can and should remain in sight for as long as that takes.
SUGGESTED DEITY: ATUM OR PTAH – PTAH-ATUM is known as the “Father of Fathers” – He is the self-creator of himself and then the Neteru/gods, as well as everything living in the world; He is the one who “bore himself and was not born”. The card comes from the Ancient Egyptian Tarot (Clive Barker) – The FOOL, which is the consummate card of the deck, having “0” as its Major Arcana number and represents the choice: “Taking a leap of faith to begin a new journey taking nothing more than one’s innate knowledge and basic skillset/tools. OR – Remaining stagnating where you are until self-esteem allows the courage to take the leap or if the time is sensed not to be right, it can mean you need to wait until it is, and things are better suited for progress forward. That can be the wiser choice, but ONLY if it is not made from FEAR or Lack of Trust or confidence in the self. Ptah is the ultimate creator god, said to have created himself from his own sperm, appearing fully grown in the First Time (Zep Tepi) on mound that rose out of the waters of NUN. I think it could be equated to Adam appearing in the Garden of Eden, but the mound was totally barren before Ptah’s creations, completely lacking the “garden” part.)
Colors: In this case, match the color of your candle, etc. to the purpose/intent of the spell. Such as for a relationship, you could choose pink to equate love; for a business venture, the choice could vary for the subject of the business or simply employ green for growth or brown for Earth.
Enhancement for the working: Alongside of The Fool/Ptah-Atum, include the ACE of the suit that corresponds with your type of venture (i.e., a new job/career – Ace of Wands; for love – Ace of Cups; for mental endeavors/artistic projects/writing books – Ace of Swords; Financial/Business related ideas -Ace of Disks)
Best Time for Enacting: New Moon on a Sunday in the Hour of the Sun: In this case at the start of a NEW YEAR, along with making New Year’s Resolutions, allowing the intention to carry its own timing.
You will Need: The FOOL Tarot Card, The ACE of Intention/Goal, 5 Sunflower Seeds (Fertility/Fire), Potting Soil (Earth), A Pot Large Enough to Plant all 5 Seeds, Allspice Incense or any Blend that is design for “Drawing Things” to you, Athame or Wand (your preference), Paper and Pen, Large Water Glass or Pitcher of Spring Water, 1 White Candle, 1 Black Candle, 1 Candle of a color to match your goal.
Preparation: Ideally, at the New Moon, (for this time, on or right after the New Year begins), set aside time when you will have no distractions or interruptions. Lay out your working altar area and the materials arranged for easy access. Place the working altar so that you may sit or stand facing EAST – The direction of the rising sun, the fiery energy of the new day and innovative ideas. Place the Fool Tarot Card in the center and the pot and soil nearby.
As with most rituals, prepare a cleansing/purifying bath before you do the work to remove any negative energy accumulated with the stresses of daily life. Run the water for a warm bath and use your favorite cleansing or energizing bath salt or simply toss in a handful of sea salt. Climb in and spend enough time to completely relax. Dry off and dress comfortably, preferably in your ritual wear, but anything comfortable will do; then enter your sacred space, feeling eager to begin anew!
Cast your circle of protection and call your quarters according to your tradition. As always, either follow this spell as it is dedicated OR reword/revise to match your preferences according to your personal traditional methodology.
Invoke the assistance from the Neter Atum (Ptah) who created himself and then the world, by saying:
“O Mighty Atum, whose name rings from time
Before time, and who created life from primordial slime,
Himself, He brought forth with Magical Intent
O Mighty Atum, guide this rite as my will is bent,
With Your wise courage show now the way
O Mighty Atum, whose name rings from time before time,
Stand with me – share your inspiration Divine
With Harm to None, nor turn back upon me,
So Mote it be!”
Place the Fool Tarot Card and your chosen Ace of representative suite in the center of the altar. Place the candles in holders as follows: Left side, place the white to represent “All Possibilities”; Right side, place the black to represent the “Creative Void”; and your “Candle of Intent Color directly to the back center. This will form a triad pointing forward toward the East’s rising Sun and the direction of – “The Coming Forth by Day” (Egyptian Cosmology Reference to Rebirthing).
Next, scatter the five Sunflower Seeds over the cards.
Then, light the candles, saying the following or something similar, beginning with the white candle:
“Candle of White, with flare I light,
Inspire with all possibilities on this night.”
“Candle of …{Color corresponding to your Intent} … with courage I light,
Empower your spirit to my venture, this night.”
“Candle of Black, with flare I light,
Creating my future from the void is of great delight.”
Light the Incense: Breathe deeply, center and begin a meditation upon the image of Atum/Ptah, using the Tarot card for that imagery inspiration. You may envision yourself as Atum in the card, and share in the preparation to begin his journey or take that leap of faith from the cliff. Visualize and breathe the primordial air, watch the earth being formed beneath your feet from chaos, the oceans “boiling” and life beginning to team everywhere around your imagined earth scape. See all developing, evolving and becoming alive in all ways; FEEL yourself as part of that growing energy in the best way you can. Indulge yourself in this visualization and yet remain the OBSERVER. Feel the great amount of energy flowing about you and through you. When you feel fully energized, say your farewell to Atum and return to the present. Retain the spark of “new life force” that you observed and KNOW it is yours to channel into your project or venture now.
Take 3 deep breaths and centralize the energy that has been build during visualization into your heart Chakra. Pick up your athame or wand. Slowly and deliberately, trace an Invoking Pentagram (Upright, 5-pointed star inside a circle) into the soil, Saying:
“By the power of three times three;
By the power of the Earth, Sun and Sea;
Enrich this soil by Divine Intent to be,
Dark is the Void and so the rich soil of Atum’s
Creational flow; Creational Energy bestow;
Fertile blessings here, by my will it be done.
With harm to none, So Mote It Be!”
Carefully, place each Sunflower seed into the soil at each point of the pentacle (5-pointed star formation) and brush a small amount of soil over each one. Hold your hands – palms down – over the pot and planted seeds and say:
“By the power of will and intent,
Five blessed points balance all elements combined,
From within darkness this new life springs,
As does my project … (Name your venture Here) …,
With harm to none, So Mote It Be!”
After a moment, pick up the Tarot Cards and, carefully PLANT them in the center of the pentacle drawn in the soil (you may need to fold them to be narrow enough to fit into center without disturbing the seeds or even use scissors and cut them into narrow strips, if you prefer; just be sure the pieces are aligned with their mates as if folded when you slide them into the soil.) As you do this, state aloud, with each insertion of card or its pieces, the intended venture of your spell goal – You are not PLANTING the IDEA as a “SEED OF THE NEW VENTURE TO BE GROWN/SPROUTED AND SO DEVELOPED” (DO NOT disturb the seeds, thereby shifting or changing how you have intended your planting to be sprouted).
This is an appropriate time to use the energy to start the venture by using the paper and pen/pencil. Jot down the next move (s) required to begin the plan; if a painting or novel, begin making notes or sketches; if a career goal, fill out an application or go through college pamphlets, etc. This action will solidify your intent/venture, however, if time is limited, you can omit this process at this time OR create facsimiles of the application or drawings to employ action with the immediate working which can go toward acting on the true steps at a following time as your “remember” the energy created during your working. Be sure to reinforce the rush of energy now or as soon after the spell working as possible; especially valuable is to follow with an action, which can be making a “TO-DO” List of the steps to be done in moving your venture forward, which can prevent procrastination or the temptation to delay and perhaps loose the energy driving your forward during the working of your spell.
When finished with that, Thank Atum and close your circle.
Ground your energy by drinking some of the Spring Water.
Afterwards, sprinkle the rest of the Spring Water lovingly over the newly-planted seeds. Allow your candles to continue to burn until they are finished. Take the flower pot to an Eastern Window. Remember to water the seeds/seedlings regularly (but not drown them with too much water, too often) to keep them (and your spell working/venture) growing stronger each day. Be sure your seeds get plenty of plant food, water, and sunlight; so, as you nurture them, your venture will be nurtured and grow strong, as well. Once they are strong enough, you will be able to plant them outside in the garden where they have enough room to continue growing and blossoming.
CONCLUSION: At the Full Moon (immediately following the New Moon you applied with this spell working) or time chosen to work this spell, repeat your affirmations as below, use them singly or say as a group:
“As these seeds are planted, so my new venture begins.”
-- or ---
“As the New Moon waxes and grows, so my new venture expands.”
--- or ---
“As the energy is directed to seed, so enthusiasm flourishes and is sustained of my Venture new.”
--- or ---
“As the seeds sprout and grow, so this venture reaches the heights.”
Withdraw the Tarot Cards (Fool and Ace or their pieces) carefully from the soil and wipe the soil away. If you chose to cut them, tape them back together to essentially have the whole card, back intact. Fill it with your love and energy. Stick them to a surface where you will see them each morning as you look out at the rising SUN (even later at the sunflowers growing in your garden would be a plus.). Let it inspire your forward progress, since this spell can be used for ventures that require a long-term for their completion and the cards can and should remain in sight for as long as that takes.