Because the recent New Moon was one decreed to create and cause major changes, I decided to share the notes I made after an experience sitting outside the GREAT PYRAMID. My intention is that it may inspire the acceptance of change, enlightenment and evolution within oneself in whatever form it takes; in whatever manner it is appropriate within a life experience--and most of all, to trust your natural abilities to grow and develop in ways that will enhance your life and provide the kind of healing you need, regardless of whether it be of a mental, physical or spiritual nature. This blog tells of an experience I had in Egypt, but before I left home, I had a dream that nearly had me afraid to go or at least, dare to enter the pyramid, although I had done so three times before. In the dream, I was sitting upon the pyramid (at that time, I was unaware that was even possible, at all) on the pyramid overlooking Cairo at night looking at the lights and sounds of the city below. In my dream, I was positioned so that my body formed a triangle (cross-legged such as my legs do not bend anymore) and I listened to the call to prayer. Suddenly large fireballs began to fall from either side of my vision, not striking the city however. I got up and went inside the entrance, saying that I would be safe in there from the wave of energy that was coming. I had done a reading with some cards that Bruce gave me once, I pulled Death and on the side of the card was a fireball with the message to: “Go where the Energy is” One of the card’s meanings was: “It is better to go down in flames than to melt like ice.”

Where shall I begin other than to say this experience was the culmination of my journey through Egypt’s temples and the fulfillment of a profound dream, which had been the only one regarding Egypt I had prior. The group would climb to the King’s Chamber inside the Great Pyramid where they would undergo an initiation and activation, while my back made climbing inside impossible that time, so I positioned myself outside, holding space and grounding the work of the others occurring inside the King's Chamber. Only after I had settled there, did I realize with a start that I was ironically positioning my body and arms exactly as in the dream; thereby, feeling unsettled that the dream may have been a prediction and the fire balls were going to fall. There had been a feeling of a wave of energy sweeping from the fireball landing site (no explosions, however) and I recalled in the dream I then dashed inside to escape . . . but, the dream ended without that answer). Nevertheless, from my seat, I was asked to invoke my guide, Anubis/Anpu and ask that he come, but in dual aspects: representing balance or equality with one form black and the other white, which I interpreted to be positioned on either side of me, representing the duality and balance of the Guardians for Ma'at. Each member of the group, were to acknowledge the pair of jackal gods in whatever manner or request they had as they entered the pyramid and began their climb to the King's Chamber for a ritual. I am sure I heard Anubis comply gladly, saying he was happy to take part in the night's vigil. Then, visualizing the white spirit (the above) at my left (the side of the body that is intuition/spirit or subconscious) and the black (the below) as representative of the world/mundane or conscious side; both of the aspects allowed me to see their eyes glowing red with protection and alertness as laser beams.
When I was able to concentrate, I began the intuitive connection with the pyramid. Within a few heart breaths, I could feel joined with the stone under my hips. I felt a tremendous power exuding from the structure. My entire body began to tremble, buzzing and weaving as if caught within the energetic vibrational waves, like we were both willows in the wind. This energy exuding out of so-called lifeless stone kept shifting directions, seemingly reacting as a giant awakened and trying to stumble about in the remaining torpor. I felt like my strength and energy were draining. All I could think was "How will I ever get down if I cannot maneuver the treachery of the stone walkway and steps?" Alas, it was soon too late to ponder on anything but deciding to commit to riding along on the great stone enlivening and awakening beast.
Later, writing the experience in my journal, it was sometime after the experience so most of it was easier to recall, but some of the memories might be out of sequence in the process--then there were visions or actual happenings that were difficult to restructure in any order. There were some images that came and went as if watching a series of one-act plays, each with intriguing themes rarely recalled as inter-related. Other sights were as holograms appearing outside my mind's eye, mid-air before my eyes--all of which, remain to this day, indescribable in logical terms. There were also several recalled breaks in the imagery, however, when nothing appeared to be happening -- or where a blank spot was left burnt upon memory -- I would think they should be labeled as "spiritual time-outs".
The frequency of this wavering sensation beneath my hips and against my back increased gradually until I was sure the stones were truly swaying, shifting position by more than mere degrees and eventually seemed to be as minerals, which felt cold to the touch, but moved as molten lava to the senses. The image in my mind of what was happening was that of a "Merkaba", spinning in place, beautiful, iridescent colors, perfect and surrounded with a bright blue auric field. Again, the thought that my legs were completely turned to Jell-O crossed my mind and that at any moment, the pyramid would toss me across the Giza Plateau like it was a bucking camel . . . Imagine that idea, yet any observer would have seen only a woman perched high on the pyramid with her legs dangling idly. I shall try to describe some of the incredible sights that I saw, felt and heard, but in no particular order.
Everything seemed to wait until after the telepathic message from my guide, the way-shower, Anubis (this quote is as much as I had been able to remember of it, after getting back to write all down in my journal): “As Anpu, I am both and neither black or white, for I am always both. I like that you have given life to both concepts within your heart. Eyes perceive my form in many ways—you have learned to look for them—even though my shape and color differ in each time and season. I open the way for you, the seeker, and those who ask with a pure heart filled with love. Sometimes a fool demands entrance and I deny but with a harsh lesson. Other times, it may seem that I lead one who is undeserving, but that perception is theirs—I choose carefully whom I deem worthy to follow me. As the Divine Embalmer, which some have called me, I give closure to life and life experiences no matter the form it takes. I weave linen wrappings and mummify the old form so that the chrysalis dissolves tissue, bone and that with no further purpose/value. Then the winged form, transition takes place or initiation into a beautiful new form like a butterfly emerges. Each process happens in its proper time and reoccurs many times in a lifetime, ever-higher vibration. Yet, when an initiate has not prepared, they will fair—sometimes the attempt ends badly, but it is their own undoing not mine.” (I think there was more, but I have lost it)
I looked up at the sky (eyes open) and realized that it was overcast and I could not see the full moon at all. Possibly, Nut had clothed herself with clouds, hiding her stars least they distract our work or placed a protective blanket over the pyramid to contain the power we might raise. Just an idea.
Many times, I would feel what was like an electrical charge shoot down from overhead and through my whole body. I imagined it as a beam of bright white light.
I looked across the darkening plateau and watched the shadows caused from scattered stones change, lengthen and move as if great shadow beings lurked there. There were three security guards walking the perimeter of the pyramid at hourly intervals. When they passed in front of me the first couple trips, it was obvious they were human soldiers, but as the shadows filled the space they looked ghostly, moving in silence and appeared as if they were misshapen and without heads. I also noticed a few protective camel-mounted guards as well, but they patrolled less often within my range of view. I only mention them because of the sensation of ghostliness felt with their quiet passing and added to the eeriness of the dark plateau, which became gradually over-run with invisible beings. I tried to see them with my physical eyes, but they remained elusive and gently touched only my sensibilities, letting me know they were giving support for the rites in progress.
If I closed my eyes, I was able to see the Neteru in full force, marching around the base of the pyramid and shimmering in the field of energy emanating regularly from the pyramid. That same energy certainly amplified now, reaching into all dimensions. It was no surprise for this was also the Equinox and full moon that my Witches’ Calendar called the “Stonehenge Moon”.
Once I felt pulled “down”, down deep and into the darkness through a tunnel that led to the lowest chamber beneath the pyramid. It opened to allow my astral to enter without the claustrophobic feelings that what I know of the place would most certainly keep me from entering physically. There in the darkness, I could see an entire city. It was hard to discern details, but dark sandy brown buildings were distinguishable, extending for what must have been miles under the Giza Plateau (very plausible according to something I read recently). Maybe, I was seeing an image imprinted from another time when there was a city in this location—I am not sure. My first impression was that it was an ancient city or perhaps Cairo of another time. Before I could “ask”, I was being zoomed up through the pyramid and directly to the very peak where I could see (psychically) the Nile flowing lazily closer to the plateau and the city had fewer lights and no sounds of traffic.
Ptah came forward to introduce himself, wearing his blue cap and robe, and I understood his energy came from the Sirius Stars. He showed me the blue veil of energy that is separating this world from other dimensions, but would not allow me to travel thru for I must remain to hold this space. It would be equivalent of breaking a magick circle during ritual and harmful for all those inside – although, I do not know how that might happen nor would I wish to test it. He promised that there would be another time.
I did get some personal messages about the new energetic steps I had taken during the trip and my further attunement to the energy here. I can only remember consciously that I fulfilled their expectations as well as mine and have proven myself worthy of more. I have to wonder what that will ultimately mean.
In another mini journey, I traveled to a place where I saw clustered pyramids in the hundreds and they are abundant and useful for many things. I thought at the time it might be another planet, but I know there is a place in Africa where there are many groups of pyramids. I doubt if that was correct for what I saw was hundreds exactly like the one, upon which I was sitting like a mountain range. Something yanked my attention out of that vision too quickly and I did not have more.
There cannot be coincidences when even the chant my mentor taught me years ago, suddenly flooded back to mind, as if I had been using it every single day. I never new for sure if he had been inspired by something of ancient Egyptian origin or made it all up and told me so; for he had written the phrases phonetically rather than what I would expect to be correct spelling. Nonetheless, it was written aimed for pronunciation and intended as a vocalization/vibrational effect to create a protective energy around my psychic fair booth or wherever I chose; keeping negativity out and allowing positivity in. It had been a very long time since I had used it and until that moment, I had been unable to recall the words, at all--indeed, it was a freak feeling when the words flashed in my mind's eye, as if a light switched on to reveal them: Mush too Ra Ka; Sum too Nee Kay; Ill Oh Mon Too
Another oddity of that return of memory was that they came in the form a sing-song tune that fit the chant, as if they had been written by the same individual; at the same moment. Now, the greater irony is that I do NOT sing, consider myself rather on the tone-deaf side and never before had the words seemed to require being set to any genre of music; speaking or whispering them as a poem had seemed quite sufficient. However, I just began singing there on the side of the pyramid in the chilled night air of the Giza Plateau, while gazing outward and across the bright city lights of Cairo below. The verse came out as a real song -- don't laugh, I was as surprised as ever to have those phrases flowing as silk from my mouth, remarkably on key. They seemed to echo outward from the pyramid and almost visually travel upon a breeze outward and over the brilliant lights of Cairo. I had a sense they had belonged to a spiritually-advanced soul who may have decided it was time that I received the musical accompaniment, perhaps, that mentor who was a remarkable intuitive, healer and psychic while on earth. (By the way, that melodious perfection was gone the next day; nor did I try more public singing, thereafter). No matter who orchestrated the song back to memory, there was an inner voice that interjected this: "Now, at last, you have attained the higher vibration and are tuned into the frequency of the song that belongs with the words. You had to pass the test laid before you in order to hear at this level. I am so proud of you my friend.”
Regardless if it was wishful thinking that the memory push came from my friend or not, yet I can barely describe the elation I felt at that moment or the sensation of invisible arms embracing me during much of the whole experience; seemingly keeping me from falling when my head was spinning faster than my senses could follow. Before I finished the song, it occurred to me to add a verse as protection for Cairo and Egypt. I added the word "Misr" to the last line, alternately, until I noticed the guards returning to where our guide waited alongside the bus. I intended the song to be a creatively protective veil for the remainder of our trip, thus surrounding each of the other members of our group as they exited the pyramid at the end of their interior ritual--such an irony to have experienced so much and they had as little idea of the incredible events, visions or changes I felt as I did of theirs; yet, there was a sense of balance, as if both rites were halves of a single thing. Perhaps, inadvertently symbolic of the guardians, one rite of the light/the other of the dark (dual energy of the cosmic balancer, Ma'at). Therefore, as the other travelers exited from their ritual in candlelight or of the light within the heart of the pyramid; I decided to sing softly, visualizing the vibration from my song wrapping about them as a chrysalis and forming a protective shell from which they might emerge in whatever form their Egyptian experience would give, without limitations upon the level of enlightenment that each may receive; as they were able to receive it--meanwhile, keeping any form of negativity, self-doubt or vulnerability at bay.
There was a remarkable visual that essentially came as a conclusion to the rest, as if I would have expected there be a possible topper to any of it. I had remembered the moon was supposed to be full that night and leaned back as far as I could against the stones, trying to see if it had made an appearance yet -- apparently not; the sky seemed filled with heavy cloud cover for I could see no stars either -- but, what I saw would have made any full moon pale by comparison. Those clouds proved a blessing for they provided a perfect backdrop, keeping the stars from upstaging what I saw clearly were streaks of blue, evenly spaced and stretching outward as far as the eye could trace them. The were surely emitting from the tip of the pyramid; I have no other explanation and they were NOT imaginary; even though the other experiences of that night could have been mere visions and the physical sensations added by imagination deeming it likely--but NOT those blue streaks across the bottom side of thick cloud cover. They were RAYS of visible energy, which reminded me so much of the art work of Akhenaten and family (in the Cairo museum), which presented the rays of the sun god, RA, streaming down in a similar patter to those from the top of the Pyramid, but those of Ra were depicted with hands at the ends--I didn't see any hands or the ends of the blue rays. That was an amazing gift to see and, to this day, remains as vivid in my memory as it did that night, sitting on the outside of the pyramid entrance, shivering harder as the hours got later when a bitter wind picked up just before the rituals ended--hmmm, makes me wonder if that bitter night wind had any significance; surely it was no coincidence even with the rapid cool-down of the desert night.
One final thought: Later that evening, I was thinking on the experience and the following came into my mind, perhaps channeled or not. It was the response from where I am not certain (from the wording, I suspect even telepathically from Anubis in response to my earlier query:
“You were in the exact place to fulfill your dream, with the exception of the meteoric fireballs falling from right and left into Cairo. They were symbolic of the fire of Sekhmet returning to rejuvenate her people. The energy was partly from the work we had done throughout Egypt. The fireballs were symbols and not predictions of war or destruction, but of the Neteru returning with the higher vibrational energy. Essentially, they come back with new forms called by human hearts being made ready, evolving and yearning toward the divine; preparing to perceive and receive the true archetypal forms once more—not to replace science or deny it or question validity of either; rather to EXPLAIN IT!”