CHANNELING of July 5, 2020 - by Anita Merrick/Crystal Wind

Thusly, I speak from the mystical shadow realm, known as Nephthys, the Golden One of Shadow Magic.
I stand just behind and to left side of my sister, Isis, always staying in the shadows, shy of her bright magic.
So often I am thought to be less important, one of insignificance, yet such silence is called Golden wisdom.
I whisper to the hearts yearning to find some peace, rest and with a willingness to heed our wisdom from above.
I am like the Phoenix for I am the great bird, the magical Phoenix that rises on flaming wings of magic.
My flight rules for a season only to ending in a flash, bursting into flames, becoming despairing ashes.
This despairing seems to become something of importance, but no for it is richness, newness with a fire within.
With each full moon, as a mystical bird, I am renewed, rebirthed and take flight on invigorated wings of starlight.
And so, in this way, my magic flies and I stand ready with wings aflame, casting light upon the below.
Even from the shadows my light blesses the earth and each person’s path leading to renewal of dreams.
Yet will then I welcome you back into my protective shadows when incubating is needed by a seeking soul.
Therein, time slows for breathing, pauses as one sits in the silence and seeks space for the magic of resting.
I, Nephthys, welcome you to come into the protective womb of my mother, Nut, to rest a worried mind.
Know also that the Divine archetypes, shall never forget our beloved children below, nor let the magic be lost.
While it seems this time of tribulation has stolen too much from your world, taken many to a deathbed
And left others in dark isolation with a sense of hopeless and impotence left in each beating heart.
Yet, take not heartlessness and anger for what seems sadly unnecessary is yet allowing the reset of souls.
Understand there is a blessing if you will embrace my shadow magic in appropriate form befitting each heart.
My fiery wings offer you solace and a protected space healing and self-caring to ease your pain and heal all.
Once it is found, do embrace that silence and find evermore rejoicing in the fullness of a bright Capricorn moon.
Remember the voice of Capricorn, calling from the ancestors to remind that magic both blesses and curses.
It is truth that by choice, you may learn the difference, in the will of the believer the tide is turned.
Whether one seeks a blessing or a cursing result, this is the time of resetting and reseeding of intentions.
To know the difference in a chaotic moment, be of wise mindfulness to seek a non-guaranteed source of Truth.
All Truth is a choice, the answer found in the trusting in an ultimate source of faith, correct for each soul.
From our Above realm, we shall always seek to comfort the fragmented and shattered souls of those Below.
We know of what is endured by our children and our hearts ache to heal, to remove the pain.
How you may ask, but we say only that we cannot interfere in the process that must occur and unfold.
According to the season and fullness of the moon, shall Divine Right-Timing bring the rebirthing and,
There shall yet become the end of this time of great evolvement, the lifting of the encompassing of our wings.
For the path for each set of feet shall be cleared, allowing for the entering and emerging from my shadows
And each seeker shall again be welcomed into the temples of the mysteries, places of ancient magic and healing.
Let the vibration of my song surround your heart, your body, your space in time,
Where the sands of time whisper ancient secrets to listening ears of the forgotten knowledge in Akasha.
Once again shall those scrolls be accessible for those who sing their melodious words as my song here.
For those whose lips choose to express my chant, shall a barrier weave about your auric space,
Protecting against the slings and arrows in flight in this chaotic time and so this vibration of song,
Shall create a protective energy that bars ills and dark evils while allowing the influx of light and goodness.
For any who are facing dark times, weariness and a weakened energy, I offer my chant to heal the heart.
Let this tonal veil of protection cloak each of you and your dear children…
“Amun/Amen, Anahksurah, Amun/Amen”
I stand just behind and to left side of my sister, Isis, always staying in the shadows, shy of her bright magic.
So often I am thought to be less important, one of insignificance, yet such silence is called Golden wisdom.
I whisper to the hearts yearning to find some peace, rest and with a willingness to heed our wisdom from above.
I am like the Phoenix for I am the great bird, the magical Phoenix that rises on flaming wings of magic.
My flight rules for a season only to ending in a flash, bursting into flames, becoming despairing ashes.
This despairing seems to become something of importance, but no for it is richness, newness with a fire within.
With each full moon, as a mystical bird, I am renewed, rebirthed and take flight on invigorated wings of starlight.
And so, in this way, my magic flies and I stand ready with wings aflame, casting light upon the below.
Even from the shadows my light blesses the earth and each person’s path leading to renewal of dreams.
Yet will then I welcome you back into my protective shadows when incubating is needed by a seeking soul.
Therein, time slows for breathing, pauses as one sits in the silence and seeks space for the magic of resting.
I, Nephthys, welcome you to come into the protective womb of my mother, Nut, to rest a worried mind.
Know also that the Divine archetypes, shall never forget our beloved children below, nor let the magic be lost.
While it seems this time of tribulation has stolen too much from your world, taken many to a deathbed
And left others in dark isolation with a sense of hopeless and impotence left in each beating heart.
Yet, take not heartlessness and anger for what seems sadly unnecessary is yet allowing the reset of souls.
Understand there is a blessing if you will embrace my shadow magic in appropriate form befitting each heart.
My fiery wings offer you solace and a protected space healing and self-caring to ease your pain and heal all.
Once it is found, do embrace that silence and find evermore rejoicing in the fullness of a bright Capricorn moon.
Remember the voice of Capricorn, calling from the ancestors to remind that magic both blesses and curses.
It is truth that by choice, you may learn the difference, in the will of the believer the tide is turned.
Whether one seeks a blessing or a cursing result, this is the time of resetting and reseeding of intentions.
To know the difference in a chaotic moment, be of wise mindfulness to seek a non-guaranteed source of Truth.
All Truth is a choice, the answer found in the trusting in an ultimate source of faith, correct for each soul.
From our Above realm, we shall always seek to comfort the fragmented and shattered souls of those Below.
We know of what is endured by our children and our hearts ache to heal, to remove the pain.
How you may ask, but we say only that we cannot interfere in the process that must occur and unfold.
According to the season and fullness of the moon, shall Divine Right-Timing bring the rebirthing and,
There shall yet become the end of this time of great evolvement, the lifting of the encompassing of our wings.
For the path for each set of feet shall be cleared, allowing for the entering and emerging from my shadows
And each seeker shall again be welcomed into the temples of the mysteries, places of ancient magic and healing.
Let the vibration of my song surround your heart, your body, your space in time,
Where the sands of time whisper ancient secrets to listening ears of the forgotten knowledge in Akasha.
Once again shall those scrolls be accessible for those who sing their melodious words as my song here.
For those whose lips choose to express my chant, shall a barrier weave about your auric space,
Protecting against the slings and arrows in flight in this chaotic time and so this vibration of song,
Shall create a protective energy that bars ills and dark evils while allowing the influx of light and goodness.
For any who are facing dark times, weariness and a weakened energy, I offer my chant to heal the heart.
Let this tonal veil of protection cloak each of you and your dear children…
- “Mush Tu Ra Kah”
- “Sum Tu Nee Kay”
- “Ill Ooh Mon Tu”
“Amun/Amen, Anahksurah, Amun/Amen”