Here we go … flip the calendar page, March, then grin at the new picture on a new month, April. Alas, April 1 is even titled as April Fool’s Day! Oh, sure, not suggesting that all are “fools” and having their own special day; rather it is a day set aside since forever as one allotted to humanity engaging in all manner of frivolity and practical joking. Yes, it reminds me that today is one where everyone needs to excuse all kinds of just plain silliness and it is perfectly normal to act the fool for a whole day, that is, if one is so inclined to play the fool even for a little while before going back to … then, I stop and realize that I cannot “go there” today or any other for while the month has changed, the world situation has not. Indeed, the usual has been marred and even in some cases, nullified by the forced entrapment we are all experiencing due to Covid-19, a menace that has turned our world turned upside down.
Still, it would be terrific if everyone across the globe were to receive a mysterious package in their mail; inside would be a magic bullet or pellet and we would set aside the fear cloaking our being and willingly swallow it with our favorite beverage. Then, instead of making us drowsy, it would snap us into awareness. In fact, we would suddenly realize we had all been recruited for roles in “The Matrix 2020” and this nightmarish situation had been nothing more than a virtual creation of a horrific reality that had just ended as we all took the magical awakening pill. Ironically, now I wonder if the creators of the matrix movies might steal my idea and make a new version in which the characters all discover they are partaking in a worldwide dreaming – or rather a collective nightmare?
Or what if… We were to turn on this morning’s news to find someone of leadership capacity was about to make an announcement, which the teleprompter rolled across the bottom of the screen, saying this was happening in every country and every language, at once. With our full attention captured, in unison, they would then cry out – “APRIL FOOL’S, we gotcha’ everyone!”
Okay, I know that is just my wishful thinking – especially that every government official could ever agree to do anything with like-mindedness, regardless of the topic or reason – yet, would that it could be true and thus proof that the pandemic had been nothing more than some colossal April Fool’s joke and there never had been any version of the virus ever created by whatever source or reason. I do wish it could be that simple. Okay, I know it is not and never will be simple, nor would it be that Covid-19 was a mere fantasy that never existed in any reality now or ever. If only mankind will simply learn the greater lessons that this virus is here to teach us, regardless of whether any of it ever makes any sense. All I want – and I think most everyone else does as well – is to wake up today and be able to join in the silliness that should be ours, at least, for just April 1st.
Alas! There is a bright spot. Regardless of the killer virus running amok across the globe, we still have the positivity of turning the pages of our calendars and knowing that Mother Nature will stay her cyclical course regardless of all else. Yes, April means Spring is just around the corner and, looking at my calendar this morning and then outside at the brilliant sunshine breaking over the landscape, I remind myself that each season – Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter – will not be deterred by the same horror that has fractured and stalled human lives and plans. My musings have been more negative than things I can give a positive spin, but knowing Spring days will soon be a mixture of warm rainy days alternating with spring storms and sunshiny afternoons that bring new life – blooming flowers, budding to leafing trees, hundreds of twitter-pated squirrels, chipmunks, other wild critters and the excitable chittering of birds returning to seek nesting places and lay their eggs. All this positivity provides a brighter spot upon the rest and even as my thoughts – like so many others – all seem bent toward the negative darkness of living entrapped by the dangerous virus and need to remain house-bound – albeit something I used to love for I’ve too many projects and my writing to keep me very safe from the evil boredom monster, but that was before I was told I had to do it – yet, I choose to change that and become more aware of my musings; after all they are mine to control and I have the ability to control only what I think, choose to do with my house-bound time and whether I will allow it to control my life now or for however long we are stuck in this “Great Pause”.
And so – HAPPY APRIL FIRST, all my fellow fools who are wise enough to find the funny regardless of the clouds cloaking our skies for they are but temporary things that cannot keep the sun at bay for long – I.e., Set can only keep blowing sand in our faces for as long as his breath lasts; but the fire and light of Ra cannot be extinguished; only blocked by dark storm clouds until they run out of rain. So there, virus, take that and be gone!? Hey, give me a break, it’s April Fool’s Day not the Festival of Thoth, with a luncheon of Wine, Wise Crackers and Cheese.
Still, it would be terrific if everyone across the globe were to receive a mysterious package in their mail; inside would be a magic bullet or pellet and we would set aside the fear cloaking our being and willingly swallow it with our favorite beverage. Then, instead of making us drowsy, it would snap us into awareness. In fact, we would suddenly realize we had all been recruited for roles in “The Matrix 2020” and this nightmarish situation had been nothing more than a virtual creation of a horrific reality that had just ended as we all took the magical awakening pill. Ironically, now I wonder if the creators of the matrix movies might steal my idea and make a new version in which the characters all discover they are partaking in a worldwide dreaming – or rather a collective nightmare?
Or what if… We were to turn on this morning’s news to find someone of leadership capacity was about to make an announcement, which the teleprompter rolled across the bottom of the screen, saying this was happening in every country and every language, at once. With our full attention captured, in unison, they would then cry out – “APRIL FOOL’S, we gotcha’ everyone!”
Okay, I know that is just my wishful thinking – especially that every government official could ever agree to do anything with like-mindedness, regardless of the topic or reason – yet, would that it could be true and thus proof that the pandemic had been nothing more than some colossal April Fool’s joke and there never had been any version of the virus ever created by whatever source or reason. I do wish it could be that simple. Okay, I know it is not and never will be simple, nor would it be that Covid-19 was a mere fantasy that never existed in any reality now or ever. If only mankind will simply learn the greater lessons that this virus is here to teach us, regardless of whether any of it ever makes any sense. All I want – and I think most everyone else does as well – is to wake up today and be able to join in the silliness that should be ours, at least, for just April 1st.
Alas! There is a bright spot. Regardless of the killer virus running amok across the globe, we still have the positivity of turning the pages of our calendars and knowing that Mother Nature will stay her cyclical course regardless of all else. Yes, April means Spring is just around the corner and, looking at my calendar this morning and then outside at the brilliant sunshine breaking over the landscape, I remind myself that each season – Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter – will not be deterred by the same horror that has fractured and stalled human lives and plans. My musings have been more negative than things I can give a positive spin, but knowing Spring days will soon be a mixture of warm rainy days alternating with spring storms and sunshiny afternoons that bring new life – blooming flowers, budding to leafing trees, hundreds of twitter-pated squirrels, chipmunks, other wild critters and the excitable chittering of birds returning to seek nesting places and lay their eggs. All this positivity provides a brighter spot upon the rest and even as my thoughts – like so many others – all seem bent toward the negative darkness of living entrapped by the dangerous virus and need to remain house-bound – albeit something I used to love for I’ve too many projects and my writing to keep me very safe from the evil boredom monster, but that was before I was told I had to do it – yet, I choose to change that and become more aware of my musings; after all they are mine to control and I have the ability to control only what I think, choose to do with my house-bound time and whether I will allow it to control my life now or for however long we are stuck in this “Great Pause”.
And so – HAPPY APRIL FIRST, all my fellow fools who are wise enough to find the funny regardless of the clouds cloaking our skies for they are but temporary things that cannot keep the sun at bay for long – I.e., Set can only keep blowing sand in our faces for as long as his breath lasts; but the fire and light of Ra cannot be extinguished; only blocked by dark storm clouds until they run out of rain. So there, virus, take that and be gone!? Hey, give me a break, it’s April Fool’s Day not the Festival of Thoth, with a luncheon of Wine, Wise Crackers and Cheese.