, Previously I wrote a blog (February) in which there WAS both irony and legacy at my feet, following me everywhere and sleeping at my bedside. But, that seemingly ended as indicated in that blog . . . or so I thought. Fate had other ideas, indeed, for I never expected a reason to renew the story so soon after losing our Westie girls nor did I think Tim and I would ever be ready to start a new legacy for a long time. Oh, yes, we still have and love Whisper – 12 yr. old grandson of Snow/½ Westie / ½ Cavalier King Charles Spaniel – but, Spirit certainly works in mysterious and very surprising ways. In a way, I subconsciously wished for Spirit to drop a Westie puppy into my lap or at least leave one on the doorstep – alas, there is no such thing as an etheric UPS delivery truck. Yet, one thing led to another. One of the several friends who we asked to “keep an eye out” told us of a breeder in our area. However, when I got on the internet to look for them, instead the search took a strange turn and a search began, which soon turned into an AVALANCHE of Westie puppies listed in cyber space. (Oh, by the way, the reason for using that terminology will become apparent shortly . . .) After hours of sorting and searching through the many Westie puppies, one caught my attention, complete with chills and gasps of “There she is, that’s the one! Etc.”
Sometime after Wind Song passed, a name to honor her popped to mind, which I thought great for the new puppy, whenever that happened—STORM! Did you guess? Storm/Avalanche? Indeed, the beautiful little girl on that computer screen had the look of terrier/terror in her little black eyes and my heart melted, but not before I called the breeder in Missouri to ask if Lola was still available (the name they had given her). When things were arranged and the pup vet checked, etc. Storm “boarded” Delta and flew to me. Unfortunately, I left for the Blue Angel, psychic fair in Dubois, PA the day she landed so Tim got to rescue her from the big, bad, noisy airplane. To my complete surprise, when I called to learn if she arrived safely, Tim announced that she was barely out of the shipping crate and already taking over the house. That was good news and allowed me to concentrate on my client readings instead of worrying about the flying puppy, which I had fretted all week about what might go wrong (silly me!). Storm is from parents registered in the American Pet Registry (rather than AKC). I don’t care because I plan to just have her as a pet, because I am getting too achy to deal with breeding and puppies again. Oh, my heart disagrees, but my head reminds me daily that puppy-hood, poop duty and training is a LOT of work for this old gal; well, I think it wisest to spay her when she is old enough and just enjoy her as my pet—that is, if I survive these months. LOL
I have sent here registration application: HIGHLAND QUEEN OF SWORDS and call name, STORM . . . I like it, what do you think? Oh yes, she is already living up to her name in every way, complete with a devilish gleam in the eyes and a face that says “I’m so innocent and would never rip up my pee-papers or get into things I should not chew”. Frankly, I think she could be the new icon for the old White Tornado commercials—so befitting that term I previously used—AVALANCHE! Ironically, Little Miss Storm literally flew/blew in during that late spring “snowstorm” and luckily not a blizzard to fit her personality.
Then there is poor ol’ Whisper, who tries to get it through my head that he is far too old for her hellish nonsense. He wants her to stop using him as a punching bag/pin cushion for her razor-like puppy teeth, too. We are also laughingly saying – “What were we thinking?” – to be this old and bring two terrier puppy-intruders into Whisper’s world and ours too, of course. What is the saying? Older and wiser . . . well, maybe not so wiser, but what the heck, puppies are such healers with all their antics that bring nothing but love and laughter to our house!!!
Because Tim always wanted a Scottish Terrier since he is ½ Scottish, complete with kilt, so naturally when considering a sort of replacement for his Wind Song, that search for Storm because extended and we found a breeder of Scotties in Arkansas. Because the puppy was too little yet for them to have named him, we got to name him from the start – ARGYLE (his prospective registered name still changes by the day or hour). Argyle will be catching his flight on Delta this Thursday (4/28). Once he enters out “zoo” I am hoping he will live up to the stubborn feistiness of his breed and will fit right into Storm’s reign of terror. Whisper is hoping for a big break from them; pleading for the two puppies to prefer keeping each other busy and ignore the reactive Cavalier chew toy!
Now you may be curious why I entitled this blog – The Irony and Legacy Continues . . . Almost!
First, the Legacy part: Storm is essentially the continuation of our West Highland White Terrier lineage even if not related to the former. And for those readers who will understand . . . I truly believe Storm is either the reincarnation of my Snow, which I have yearned to have come back to me for a very long time; or she is simply being influenced by the spirit Snow. Either way, from the moment I saw her picture on my computer screen, I got major chills. Even now I so often slip and call her Snow . . . so you decide. Meanwhile, Argyle just begins a new legacy of the Scottish persuasion.
Second, the Irony part: When I realized Argyle was born on February 20, 2016, I got excited as well as shocked that the connection to February goes forward?!! However, I mistakenly was so excited at finding Storm, when I went back to look up the ad to check on her birthday, which I guessed to be the first part of February estimating she must have been born only a week or two before Argyle; the ad was already taken down so I had to wait for her papers-- Her birthday was January 29, 2016—just two days darn it before February and irony fulfillment or repetition. Nuts! Guess it’s close enough, nevertheless, that’s an independent, willful minded and feisty Westie for ya’!
Alas, I just wanted to write this blog to share my joy and its replacement to the sadness in losing out old girls. I hope my readers will forgive the indulgence and accept my apology for missing an entire month of blogs. It was partly the victim of procrastination, a nasty sinus infection that lasted too long and currently re-acclimation to puppy schedules—admittedly some laziness added in there, too. I have considered changing my blogging to once a month until the kids get to teenage months – or I simply fall off the edge into total insanity – whichever comes first. (Chuckle) However, I would welcome comments from readers as to whether they prefer reading my thoughts twice a month or?
Sometime after Wind Song passed, a name to honor her popped to mind, which I thought great for the new puppy, whenever that happened—STORM! Did you guess? Storm/Avalanche? Indeed, the beautiful little girl on that computer screen had the look of terrier/terror in her little black eyes and my heart melted, but not before I called the breeder in Missouri to ask if Lola was still available (the name they had given her). When things were arranged and the pup vet checked, etc. Storm “boarded” Delta and flew to me. Unfortunately, I left for the Blue Angel, psychic fair in Dubois, PA the day she landed so Tim got to rescue her from the big, bad, noisy airplane. To my complete surprise, when I called to learn if she arrived safely, Tim announced that she was barely out of the shipping crate and already taking over the house. That was good news and allowed me to concentrate on my client readings instead of worrying about the flying puppy, which I had fretted all week about what might go wrong (silly me!). Storm is from parents registered in the American Pet Registry (rather than AKC). I don’t care because I plan to just have her as a pet, because I am getting too achy to deal with breeding and puppies again. Oh, my heart disagrees, but my head reminds me daily that puppy-hood, poop duty and training is a LOT of work for this old gal; well, I think it wisest to spay her when she is old enough and just enjoy her as my pet—that is, if I survive these months. LOL
I have sent here registration application: HIGHLAND QUEEN OF SWORDS and call name, STORM . . . I like it, what do you think? Oh yes, she is already living up to her name in every way, complete with a devilish gleam in the eyes and a face that says “I’m so innocent and would never rip up my pee-papers or get into things I should not chew”. Frankly, I think she could be the new icon for the old White Tornado commercials—so befitting that term I previously used—AVALANCHE! Ironically, Little Miss Storm literally flew/blew in during that late spring “snowstorm” and luckily not a blizzard to fit her personality.
Then there is poor ol’ Whisper, who tries to get it through my head that he is far too old for her hellish nonsense. He wants her to stop using him as a punching bag/pin cushion for her razor-like puppy teeth, too. We are also laughingly saying – “What were we thinking?” – to be this old and bring two terrier puppy-intruders into Whisper’s world and ours too, of course. What is the saying? Older and wiser . . . well, maybe not so wiser, but what the heck, puppies are such healers with all their antics that bring nothing but love and laughter to our house!!!
Because Tim always wanted a Scottish Terrier since he is ½ Scottish, complete with kilt, so naturally when considering a sort of replacement for his Wind Song, that search for Storm because extended and we found a breeder of Scotties in Arkansas. Because the puppy was too little yet for them to have named him, we got to name him from the start – ARGYLE (his prospective registered name still changes by the day or hour). Argyle will be catching his flight on Delta this Thursday (4/28). Once he enters out “zoo” I am hoping he will live up to the stubborn feistiness of his breed and will fit right into Storm’s reign of terror. Whisper is hoping for a big break from them; pleading for the two puppies to prefer keeping each other busy and ignore the reactive Cavalier chew toy!
Now you may be curious why I entitled this blog – The Irony and Legacy Continues . . . Almost!
First, the Legacy part: Storm is essentially the continuation of our West Highland White Terrier lineage even if not related to the former. And for those readers who will understand . . . I truly believe Storm is either the reincarnation of my Snow, which I have yearned to have come back to me for a very long time; or she is simply being influenced by the spirit Snow. Either way, from the moment I saw her picture on my computer screen, I got major chills. Even now I so often slip and call her Snow . . . so you decide. Meanwhile, Argyle just begins a new legacy of the Scottish persuasion.
Second, the Irony part: When I realized Argyle was born on February 20, 2016, I got excited as well as shocked that the connection to February goes forward?!! However, I mistakenly was so excited at finding Storm, when I went back to look up the ad to check on her birthday, which I guessed to be the first part of February estimating she must have been born only a week or two before Argyle; the ad was already taken down so I had to wait for her papers-- Her birthday was January 29, 2016—just two days darn it before February and irony fulfillment or repetition. Nuts! Guess it’s close enough, nevertheless, that’s an independent, willful minded and feisty Westie for ya’!
Alas, I just wanted to write this blog to share my joy and its replacement to the sadness in losing out old girls. I hope my readers will forgive the indulgence and accept my apology for missing an entire month of blogs. It was partly the victim of procrastination, a nasty sinus infection that lasted too long and currently re-acclimation to puppy schedules—admittedly some laziness added in there, too. I have considered changing my blogging to once a month until the kids get to teenage months – or I simply fall off the edge into total insanity – whichever comes first. (Chuckle) However, I would welcome comments from readers as to whether they prefer reading my thoughts twice a month or?