Spell Purpose: As humans, no one is perfect, and yet we seek and visualize a perfect relationship when it comes to the heart/love. We seem to be attracted to the same type of person or situation, repeatedly – expecting to get it “right” the next time. This spell is an aid to begin a process of creating an attitude that allows us to “deserve” a good relationship: First, by working on the self-image, self-esteem, etc., and THEN, decide exactly what/who we want in our life. VERY IMPORTANT – Obey the Wiccan Rede, “Do harm to none” and that includes to the self, also meaning NO manipulation of another’s free will for this spell is designed to enact changes within that will reflect outward and serve to attract better choices.
Suggested Deity: TEFNUT & SHU: The twins (Representing Gemini), (feel free to choose similarly as it suits you) created first from Amen-Ra; Tefnut, goddess of moisture and Shu, god of air/void they were the parents of Geb (Earth) and Nuit (Heavens). Represented by the Lovers Tarot Card as combining Gemini factors with water/moisture to represent the heart/emotions and air as the mind/head; thus allowing both to rule in relationship matters (thinking with both the heart AND the head when it comes to LOVE).
Colors: Pink (Love)
Best Time to Perform: Begin prep at least 3 days after a Full Moon; the ritual on a New Moon
You will Need: The Lovers Tarot Card; 2 pink taper candles; candle holders; small crystal bowl of water; scissors, sheets of paper/pen/pencil; Inscribing tool or athame; Rose Oil (or commercial love blend); Rose, cinnamon or Vanilla Incense; Herbs – 2 tiny pieces of Adam & Eve Root or Tonka/vanilla beans; ½ tsp each of: Rose Petals, Vervain, Passion Flower, Damiana, Orris Root, Lemon Verbena; Mortar & Pestle; Pink Pouch with a pink Cord.
Preparation: First gather all the ingredients and place on a table, shelf or altar where they can remain undisturbed during the duration of the spell. Place the Lover’s Card in the center so you can gaze on the image during your work. Begin the ritual with preparation for the working with a series of affirmations meant to begin work on the self-esteem. Each morning when you arise, look at your image in the mirror before doing anything else. Stare into the depths of your eyes, speak the following affirmations aloud and mean them. Try not to feel too silly doing this, but don’t be upset if you succumb to laughter – it too is healing.
“I choose to be free of all inhibitions, guilt and bonds in my relationships past, present and future.”
“I deserve to be happy in all ways”
“I deserve and welcome good things into my life”
“I own self-respect and self-empowerment”
“All good things and health is mine from the Creator and only good can go from me in kind”
“Thank you God/Goddess/Creator Being/Spirit for all that I shall receive”
(It is important to than the creator as if the gifts are already bestowed)
Continue with your morning ritual each day until the day BEFORE the New Moon. Even after the ritual is completed, continue to repeat the affirmation ritual for as long as it is necessary and your self-confidence goal has been achieved/repaired.
THE SPELL: At the New Moon, rise and do your morning affirmations. When the New Moon falls on a Friday, the energy of Venus would greatly enhance your spell. However, at the time you have selected, begin: Take a shower or bath, toss a handful of salt into the bathwater or pour over your head after the shower is finished. Visualize the water drawing all negativity of past relationships, failures, sadness, heartbreak scars and pain caused and washing it down the drain. Then dry and dress comfortably.
Sit before your table/altar and prepare to begin the spell. The energy of the Moon now is drawing things TOWARD you (Previously, the affirmations were to “release” the ills that plagued the past relationships by applying the waning moon energy).
Set the Tarot Card up against the bowl of water, placed in the center of the space, to inspire you toward the ideal partnership of equals. Look for a moment at the images of moisture/heart and air/mind and meditate on the twin desire for a trouble-free relationship. Envisioning a love that will neither be ruled nor rule-able; one of joyfulness and support during the bad times of life; a partner alongside you, not in front of you or behind. VERY IMPORTANT: DO NOT put a face, name or describe a person already known or who may already be in your life and desire to have for that is manipulation of their free will and you must leave it to the creator to send you the RIGHT person, which can be someone you would never expect.
Next, in your mortar, place the herbs listed above (all seven or substitutes relating to drawing love). Slowly and deliberately, grind them with the pestle and mix with your fingers, infusing your energy and focus intently. Continue to meditate on the perfect “mystery” man or woman and finding a happy, nurturing relationship with them. See yourself happy in that relationship. See yourself contented, smiling and in love without seeing a face on the mystery person. Add 1 small piece of the Adam & Eve (or Tonka/vanilla) Root to the mixture and drop the other piece into the water in the crystal bowl. Stir all this together with your fingers and empower with your breath. Add a pinch of the herb mixture to the water, saying:
“By the power of Love and Herbs Seven, By the golden gifts of Highest Heaven, To this Moisture that is Tefnut, I add to thee; Herb and root with love embedded and with Harm to None, I declare this done; So Mote it Be.”
Place the mixture, including the piece of root into the pink pouch. Draw a symbol of love, the Rune Gebo “X” on a Heart on the front and the zodiac symbol of Gemini on the back. Pull the cord just enough to keep from spilling, but do not knot it, yet. Place it in front of the bowl of water. Next prepare the pink tapers by inscribing the first with your name, sigil or magical name, birthdate, zodiac symbol, etc.. On the other candle, put the words or something similar: “My perfect mate”, the symbol of Gemini and the word, LOVE, or draw double hearts, etc – Again, NO names please on this one.
Dress both candles with the oil for love and place in the candleholders, yours to the far extreme left and the other to the far right and light them. Take the Lovers Tarot Card and scissors and carefully, cut down the center of the card to “separate” Tefnut and Shu (the two figures on the card depending on the art work of the deck you have chosen), saying: “Temporarily severed here and now – moisture and air; Twins separated into the hands of Spirit to heal and repair.”
Place the ½ with Tefnut (lady) under your candle (if you are a male then use Shu) and the ½ with Shu (male) under the other. Light your lady candle first, saying: “O Lady Tefnut, Moisture of the Divine, Light love’s lure to this heart of mine.” Then light the male candle, saying: “O Lord Shu, God of the Air and Mind, Inspire perfect match to seek me in kind.”
Light the incense. Take your pen/pencil and the sheet of paper, wave them through the incense smoke at least three times. Center yourself, place the paper before you and begin: On the paper write all the attributes of your desired, ideal mate. Do not be too detailed, but be specific. No names and do not be tempted to simply describe the one you thing you desire – even if you are currently in a relationship with them. The purpose here is to let the universe work and bring yo the RIGHT person. Remember, if you try to manipulate the spell to so force another’s desire/will then it is unlikely the results will be what you hope or it can backfire in a negative way. The first attempt may not bring a very long list so you may wish to add each day you sit and that is fine. Do not force this, let your heart speak honestly. Fold the list over to keep prying eyes off it, and slip it under the bowl of water and snuff the candles out. Spend about 10-15 minutes on this meditation and/or writing on the list each day, and as you do move the two candles one width toward the water as well before stopping and snuffing them. Repeat the process until the candles are touching the bowl in the center and then allow them to burn completely down.
While they are burning on the last day, take the two halves of the tarot card and put them together: Place them crisscrossed, fold the ends at 1/3 mark like making an envelope weaving them together with the pictures facing each other on the insides. Drip a bit of the molten wax to hold them in place or use scotch tape if you prefer. As you do this say: “Moisture and Air, who were severed and made two, is by art undone; Now Spirit has joined them by the power of three and nine, sealing them again as one.”
Place the thatched pair into the pouch. Take the list and toss into a fire-proof dish or cauldron and burn it to ashes. Take the ashes outside and release them by scattering into the wind – be sure it is blowing away from you to take your message into the ethers. Say: “Air of Shu, carry my love’s desire; Return unto me love’s sweet fire.”
Last, Attach the pouch to a branch or another safe place as near the front door as possible. Hang so the air will circulate about it daily, but in a place inconspicuous to nosey neighbors or friends. Say: “Blessed Tefnut, Lady of Love’s Delight; Draw to me a mate to fill perfections lofty plight.”
Pour the herbal water onto the ground or on the doorstep, saying: “Bring love and harmony to this hearth with harm to none, By my will and the pure heart’s intent let it be done, so Mote it Be.”
Walk back inside and do not look back. Do no ponder on when or how you will meet Mr or Ms. RIGHT – Allow the Universe to do it’s part. All magic should be followed by your physical effort to enforce it, so I suggest two parts for this rite: First, change your daily routine, the places you go, in all ways possible so you are meeting new people in new situations as best you can. Consider a singles meeting organization or taking a class where you might meet people of like minds, etc. If you feel a make-over will aid your self-esteem BECAUSE YOU WANT IT not to please the mystery date, then do so, but do it for a healthier, happier you not to please SOMEONE ELSE'S image of you.
The Second part: IN CASES OF PHYSICAL OR MENTAL ABUSE FROM A CURRENT OR PAST RELATIONSHIP SEE PROFESSIONAL COIUNSELING AND/OR LEGAL ASSISTANCE AT ONCE – DO NOT PASS GO!! – Still, use the affirmations, etc. to aide in that counseling to achieve YOUR best YOU and that confidence will do the rest.
ENJOY my Ritual and have a great Valentine’s DAY.
Suggested Deity: TEFNUT & SHU: The twins (Representing Gemini), (feel free to choose similarly as it suits you) created first from Amen-Ra; Tefnut, goddess of moisture and Shu, god of air/void they were the parents of Geb (Earth) and Nuit (Heavens). Represented by the Lovers Tarot Card as combining Gemini factors with water/moisture to represent the heart/emotions and air as the mind/head; thus allowing both to rule in relationship matters (thinking with both the heart AND the head when it comes to LOVE).
Colors: Pink (Love)
Best Time to Perform: Begin prep at least 3 days after a Full Moon; the ritual on a New Moon
You will Need: The Lovers Tarot Card; 2 pink taper candles; candle holders; small crystal bowl of water; scissors, sheets of paper/pen/pencil; Inscribing tool or athame; Rose Oil (or commercial love blend); Rose, cinnamon or Vanilla Incense; Herbs – 2 tiny pieces of Adam & Eve Root or Tonka/vanilla beans; ½ tsp each of: Rose Petals, Vervain, Passion Flower, Damiana, Orris Root, Lemon Verbena; Mortar & Pestle; Pink Pouch with a pink Cord.
Preparation: First gather all the ingredients and place on a table, shelf or altar where they can remain undisturbed during the duration of the spell. Place the Lover’s Card in the center so you can gaze on the image during your work. Begin the ritual with preparation for the working with a series of affirmations meant to begin work on the self-esteem. Each morning when you arise, look at your image in the mirror before doing anything else. Stare into the depths of your eyes, speak the following affirmations aloud and mean them. Try not to feel too silly doing this, but don’t be upset if you succumb to laughter – it too is healing.
“I choose to be free of all inhibitions, guilt and bonds in my relationships past, present and future.”
“I deserve to be happy in all ways”
“I deserve and welcome good things into my life”
“I own self-respect and self-empowerment”
“All good things and health is mine from the Creator and only good can go from me in kind”
“Thank you God/Goddess/Creator Being/Spirit for all that I shall receive”
(It is important to than the creator as if the gifts are already bestowed)
Continue with your morning ritual each day until the day BEFORE the New Moon. Even after the ritual is completed, continue to repeat the affirmation ritual for as long as it is necessary and your self-confidence goal has been achieved/repaired.
THE SPELL: At the New Moon, rise and do your morning affirmations. When the New Moon falls on a Friday, the energy of Venus would greatly enhance your spell. However, at the time you have selected, begin: Take a shower or bath, toss a handful of salt into the bathwater or pour over your head after the shower is finished. Visualize the water drawing all negativity of past relationships, failures, sadness, heartbreak scars and pain caused and washing it down the drain. Then dry and dress comfortably.
Sit before your table/altar and prepare to begin the spell. The energy of the Moon now is drawing things TOWARD you (Previously, the affirmations were to “release” the ills that plagued the past relationships by applying the waning moon energy).
Set the Tarot Card up against the bowl of water, placed in the center of the space, to inspire you toward the ideal partnership of equals. Look for a moment at the images of moisture/heart and air/mind and meditate on the twin desire for a trouble-free relationship. Envisioning a love that will neither be ruled nor rule-able; one of joyfulness and support during the bad times of life; a partner alongside you, not in front of you or behind. VERY IMPORTANT: DO NOT put a face, name or describe a person already known or who may already be in your life and desire to have for that is manipulation of their free will and you must leave it to the creator to send you the RIGHT person, which can be someone you would never expect.
Next, in your mortar, place the herbs listed above (all seven or substitutes relating to drawing love). Slowly and deliberately, grind them with the pestle and mix with your fingers, infusing your energy and focus intently. Continue to meditate on the perfect “mystery” man or woman and finding a happy, nurturing relationship with them. See yourself happy in that relationship. See yourself contented, smiling and in love without seeing a face on the mystery person. Add 1 small piece of the Adam & Eve (or Tonka/vanilla) Root to the mixture and drop the other piece into the water in the crystal bowl. Stir all this together with your fingers and empower with your breath. Add a pinch of the herb mixture to the water, saying:
“By the power of Love and Herbs Seven, By the golden gifts of Highest Heaven, To this Moisture that is Tefnut, I add to thee; Herb and root with love embedded and with Harm to None, I declare this done; So Mote it Be.”
Place the mixture, including the piece of root into the pink pouch. Draw a symbol of love, the Rune Gebo “X” on a Heart on the front and the zodiac symbol of Gemini on the back. Pull the cord just enough to keep from spilling, but do not knot it, yet. Place it in front of the bowl of water. Next prepare the pink tapers by inscribing the first with your name, sigil or magical name, birthdate, zodiac symbol, etc.. On the other candle, put the words or something similar: “My perfect mate”, the symbol of Gemini and the word, LOVE, or draw double hearts, etc – Again, NO names please on this one.
Dress both candles with the oil for love and place in the candleholders, yours to the far extreme left and the other to the far right and light them. Take the Lovers Tarot Card and scissors and carefully, cut down the center of the card to “separate” Tefnut and Shu (the two figures on the card depending on the art work of the deck you have chosen), saying: “Temporarily severed here and now – moisture and air; Twins separated into the hands of Spirit to heal and repair.”
Place the ½ with Tefnut (lady) under your candle (if you are a male then use Shu) and the ½ with Shu (male) under the other. Light your lady candle first, saying: “O Lady Tefnut, Moisture of the Divine, Light love’s lure to this heart of mine.” Then light the male candle, saying: “O Lord Shu, God of the Air and Mind, Inspire perfect match to seek me in kind.”
Light the incense. Take your pen/pencil and the sheet of paper, wave them through the incense smoke at least three times. Center yourself, place the paper before you and begin: On the paper write all the attributes of your desired, ideal mate. Do not be too detailed, but be specific. No names and do not be tempted to simply describe the one you thing you desire – even if you are currently in a relationship with them. The purpose here is to let the universe work and bring yo the RIGHT person. Remember, if you try to manipulate the spell to so force another’s desire/will then it is unlikely the results will be what you hope or it can backfire in a negative way. The first attempt may not bring a very long list so you may wish to add each day you sit and that is fine. Do not force this, let your heart speak honestly. Fold the list over to keep prying eyes off it, and slip it under the bowl of water and snuff the candles out. Spend about 10-15 minutes on this meditation and/or writing on the list each day, and as you do move the two candles one width toward the water as well before stopping and snuffing them. Repeat the process until the candles are touching the bowl in the center and then allow them to burn completely down.
While they are burning on the last day, take the two halves of the tarot card and put them together: Place them crisscrossed, fold the ends at 1/3 mark like making an envelope weaving them together with the pictures facing each other on the insides. Drip a bit of the molten wax to hold them in place or use scotch tape if you prefer. As you do this say: “Moisture and Air, who were severed and made two, is by art undone; Now Spirit has joined them by the power of three and nine, sealing them again as one.”
Place the thatched pair into the pouch. Take the list and toss into a fire-proof dish or cauldron and burn it to ashes. Take the ashes outside and release them by scattering into the wind – be sure it is blowing away from you to take your message into the ethers. Say: “Air of Shu, carry my love’s desire; Return unto me love’s sweet fire.”
Last, Attach the pouch to a branch or another safe place as near the front door as possible. Hang so the air will circulate about it daily, but in a place inconspicuous to nosey neighbors or friends. Say: “Blessed Tefnut, Lady of Love’s Delight; Draw to me a mate to fill perfections lofty plight.”
Pour the herbal water onto the ground or on the doorstep, saying: “Bring love and harmony to this hearth with harm to none, By my will and the pure heart’s intent let it be done, so Mote it Be.”
Walk back inside and do not look back. Do no ponder on when or how you will meet Mr or Ms. RIGHT – Allow the Universe to do it’s part. All magic should be followed by your physical effort to enforce it, so I suggest two parts for this rite: First, change your daily routine, the places you go, in all ways possible so you are meeting new people in new situations as best you can. Consider a singles meeting organization or taking a class where you might meet people of like minds, etc. If you feel a make-over will aid your self-esteem BECAUSE YOU WANT IT not to please the mystery date, then do so, but do it for a healthier, happier you not to please SOMEONE ELSE'S image of you.
The Second part: IN CASES OF PHYSICAL OR MENTAL ABUSE FROM A CURRENT OR PAST RELATIONSHIP SEE PROFESSIONAL COIUNSELING AND/OR LEGAL ASSISTANCE AT ONCE – DO NOT PASS GO!! – Still, use the affirmations, etc. to aide in that counseling to achieve YOUR best YOU and that confidence will do the rest.
ENJOY my Ritual and have a great Valentine’s DAY.