SPELL PURPOSE: For this spell, I chose the DEVIL Card for it symbolizes all manner of temptations, addictions and unhealthy habits—especially abusive issues such as with Drugs, Alcohol, Overeating, Smoking, Over-Spending and all other excesses, over-indulgences and habits. These are things that feed the ego with the darker nature of a person, fueling a mental, physical or spiritual break-down. Thus, as the human ego often does, resistance lowers gradually and sneakily until one looks back to realize they have given in to those darker negatives of a worldly – or other-worldly – sort, which usually happens when it is too late to simply turn back and find a simple solution to fixing the problem. Indeed, when procrastination allows a situation to get bad, it’s obvious that the human ego is striving to maintain what it has decided then as the norm and resists changing it, preferring to keep a status quo and/or deepen the negative issue even further until it is seemingly impossible to halt. Yes, when an innocent indulgence becomes obsession, that simple bad habit turns into a vicious vice. Only when that person recognized they need HELP, can change happen—but, they must also WANT to do so and learn to make better decisions and healthier choices. A magical BINDING is designed to take the power away from another person or situation; this binds them from continuing their devastation. This spell is meant as a tool in the process – albeit a very important aspect – but not intended to stand-alone when seeking a solution to serious addictions or abuses and after the individual recognizes and makes their initial “cry for help.” This ritual spell can ease the lengthy process of healing habitual issues by nullifying or lessening their power to overwhelm the ego/mind, even salving it into a productive crafty ability to make New Year’s Resolutions that will last more than a minute or day. The binding can redirect energy away from the problem, making way for healing or fixing it. The Devil Card symbolizes resistance of change and someone with a stubborn egoistic side that has come to “enjoy or like” the negative situation for a variety of reasons, causing the resolution to change to vanish before the sentence is finished. This spell, just as any spell I have or ever will share, is NOT intended to be the ONLY way to solve a problem; nor would I ever suggest your magic be applied for detrimental or unethical reasons and Never to harm another or cause harm in the result toward yourself. Remember that magic, in general, is meant as a means of enacting change within the self and then it reflects outwardly, serving to attract the positivity and energy to create a space where healthier choices manifest positive goals.
SUGGESTED DEITY: SET/SETH/SUTEKH – Set is possibly the most complicated of all the ancient Egyptian Deities (Neteru or Gods). The form of his head is based on that of no known animal. He is known as the “Red God” – God of the Burning Desert that borders the fertile lands of his brother, Osiris. Anubis (son of Set) ruled the between land as an interceding god, just as he ruled the entrance to the lands of the Afterlife. Set represents the power of opposition to that of good – this concept is depicted in Christian theology as Satan; whose name is often considered to be derived from that of Set. However, unlike the Christian belief, the Egyptians have no problem with the existence of evil or its very nature. They would give offerings to Set, seeing him as a necessary power of opposition so there would be a provisional balance created in the world (Ma’at as that concept). These offerings constituted a display of “Giving the Devil/Set his due”. The Devil Card of the Tarot depicts him in the gesture of “As Above; So Below” (a common theme in Egyptian Cosmology/Mythology) and a reminder that “As it is in Heaven; So, it is on Earth”. The letter of this card is Ayin, which means “eye” (which Set snatched from Horus (son of Osiris) after their epic mythic battle of good vs. evil and revenge). This card shows a giant coiled serpent behind Set, (Typhon in Greek Mythology) called Apop or Apophis, which is a form of Set—another striking similarity to the Garden of Eden serpent of Satan; who tempts and brings opposition into the biblical Adam and Eve’s idyllic life.
Colors: Indigo (The color of twilight / Third Chakra – “To speak one’s truths” – asking for help, admitting to self aloud, that which is in the heart.
Best Time for Enacting: Waning Moon on a Saturday in the Hour of Saturn.
You will Need: The Devil Tarot Card, A very long silver chain; Red Heavy Cord or Very Long Ribbon; Square of Indigo or White paper 9” x 9”; Incense (Recipe: 1 Part Cinnamon powder, 2 Parts Frankincense Resin, 2 Parts Myrrh Resin, 1 Tbsp. Lotus Oil, Pine or Cypress Needles, ½ tsp. Sandalwood chips); Quill Pen and Dove’s Blood Ink; A Bell; 2 Black Candles; 1 Indigo Candle; Candle Holders; Small Jar w/Screw Top (or Zipper Baggie); Holy Water or Salt Water; Bowl; Inscribing Tool/Pen; Scissors; Clove of Garlic; 2 Pieces of Black Opal or Tourmaline; Carnation Oil; Mortar and Pestle; Charcoal Blocks; Small Incense Censor.
A pinch of each of these Herbs: THISTLE (Saturn – To Break Hexes); ALLSPICE (To Obtain Power Over . . .); CARNATION (Protection); Snap Dragon (Exorcism/Banishing); Solomon’s Seal (To Break Hexes); CAYENNE or BLACK PEPPER (Protection and Rejection of . . .)
Preparation: Pre-mix your own ingredients or purchase a blend whose purpose is for banishing negative vibrations. Prepare your altar area, arrange it so you will be facing the EAST: intending a “New Dawn” and rebirth. When you are ready to begin, set some of the incense burning in your cauldron or censor to scent and clear the room Light the indigo candle in the center of the altar and prop the Tarot Card (Devil) up against the candle base. Put the two black candles in their holders and the other ingredients appropriately handy. I recommend you perform a Ritual Bath to cleanse the energy surrounding you prior to beginning the spell working. Take the chain with you so it can be cleansed at the same time.
Bathe in bath salts or adding a handful of sea salt to your bath water; or using an “Exorcism of Issues” mixture. (Recipe suggested: 1 handful of Bath Salts/Sea Salt; 3 Parts Frankincense Oil; 3 Parts Sandalwood Oil; 2 Parts Rosemary Oil; ONLY 1 Drop Clove Oil (Only 1 – Irritant!) May use the equivalents as herb/resins with the drop of Clove oil; mix them together.)
During Bath or Sit in Contemplation before Enacting Spell: Use this time to meditate on the habit or problem of which you wish its chains broken. Be brutally honest with yourself and explain the harm you are doing to yourself and those around you by allowing the habit to continue unchecked. Enforce within yourself all the energy you possess to make changes and muster this courage within the center of your being. This is NO time for excuses! You have decided to try to correct the habit; so, don’t let yourself backslide with self-doubt. The element of water about you will remind you that it is correct to nurture and love yourself enough to care about YOU (for a change).
Say aloud several times: “I am in control of all I say and do. What I say, I will be.”
If you sat in an actual tub of water rather than visualizing the bath; and are ready, release the plug (or imagine doing so) and watch the water drain out. Visualize the habit/issue either by word, color or image (I.e., if it is to quit smoking, see the pack of cigarettes going; if to stop drinking, see the alcohol poured from the bottle into the water and flowing away with it down the drain, etc.). When the water is completely out, say aloud:
“I am in control of all I say and do. What I say I will be.
All that has harmed and chained me has now gone and . . . I am free!”
Splash a bit of cold-water to remove the irritant clove oil residue that may still be on your skin, also to bring yourself alert and revitalized. Towel dry and dress in comfortable clothing for the ritual. TIE the old silver chain (necklace) about your neck – NOT too tight, so it can later be broken during the ritual. This symbolizes your chains to the old habit, which will be broken. (suggestion: use one that will pull apart without hurting your neck or tie loose enough that the knot will give way, at the appropriate time.)
The best timing for ridding yourself of anything, especially for banishing, binding or uncrossing is on a Saturday, during a Waning Moon, which is the phase used to release things away from you.
Cast your circle of protection and call your quarters according to your tradition; light the Indigo Candle.
Pay the Devil His Due now by making acknowledgement to Set. Take note that this ritual is not intended to request his presence. There is already enough adversity in the form of the habit/issue or obsessive behavior that is being banished and bound, so we do NOT need to request more of the same. Now Say:
“Homage to you, Set-Amentet, Lord of the Western Region and Arid Sand,
I am ___ (your Secret Magical Name)___, Honored on this Earth where I stand,
From your chains, I am reborn as new soil I grow now unabated,
From all bounds and bane I request you to set me free and tempers sated,
Your lessons taught through opposition, I have learned well,
Now I honor you for all you have taught and shown me with ringing of a bell,
Set-Amentet, Warden of the Arid Western Desert, region hot and dry,
From all adversity, I turn my face and from thee fly,
With Harm to None, nor turn back upon me,
So Mote it be!”
As you speak the last words, grasp the chain and quickly yank it from your necks (Careful not to hurt yourself, but to visualize it as it symbolizes forcefully breaking the chain that Set has on your life in the form of the habit/obsession, and ring the bell as you speak of it and again all around the broken chain (thus, cleansing and clearing the negative energy; breaking the bond it represents with sound and vibration). Take the broken chain and entwine the Devil Tarot Card with it; like the shape of Apophis winding/coiling about Set in the picture (If you use another card without the same artwork, still envision the coiling of a serpent as the great evil symbol). As you wind it, say:
“I return the silver chain that has bound me under sky and moon,
That it no longer holds me captive or hams those I love or myself,
Declare I now free to live renewed and in complete health!”
Drop the card and chain together into the Holy Water in the jar (or into the baggie of blessed salt water). Swish them counterclockwise three times as you speak:
“Water, you are the vehicle of transformation
Salt you are the element of Earth and abundance abounding
Declare I now free to live renewed and in complete health.”
Grind the herbs (Thistle, Allspice, Carnation, Snap Dragon, Solomon’s Seal and Cayenne or Black Pepper) in your mortar and pestle. Empower them by running your hand around the edge of the mortar and visualizing your energy infusing the herbs. During this entire process, you could speak a favorite blessing charm or something like:
“By the power of three times three,
By the power of Earth, Sun, Moon and Sea,
Precious herbs to power exorcism of all that is bane,
Freedom from Set’s harsh control; Now I banish ___(Name of Habit) __ by name.”
Next, be sure the incense is still smoldering and if needed add another pinch of the mixture.
Prepare your black candles by Inscribing them as follows:
First Black CHANGE Candle: Use symbol of Capricorn, a Protective eye/Eye of Horus, and the word “Change”, Letter Ayin, meaning eye, or the like. Dress the candle in the Carnation Oil and place into a holder on the left side of the Indigo Candle.
The Second Black BANISHING Candle: Before inscribing this candle, cut a hollow space in the base, around the wick, but don’t cut the wick itself, and insert a pinch of the herbal mixture. Drip a bit of the wax from the Indigo Candle over the hole to seal it, leaving the wick free for lighting. Inscribe the word that represents the habit you are breaking (“Smoking”, “Drugs”, “Over-Eating”, etc.) on the side of the candle. Then directly under that word, make a symbol that indicates breaking the habit – a large “X” over the word or draw an image of it exploding (I.e., a bottle, breaking apart for drinking). Be creative. You don’t have to be an artist, but the more effort put into the inscribing, the more energy is added to the candle.
Next, with a sharp instrument, cut off the top of the candle and wick (where you would normally light the candle) to square it off and set the top into the holder next to the indigo candle. You have now reversed the candle and, therefore, reversed the effects of the habit in your life. The hollowed-out base becomes the new top to be lit; the new bottom (formerly top) is squared to fit into holder.
Light the two black candles nor and say:
“Candles of Banishment, burned at both ends,
Wick to flame, this habit ends,
All its power and chains about me felt
All that power reversed and from me melt,
As I will it, So Mote It Be!”
Next take the indigo or white paper square and with the quill pen, dipped into the Dove’s Blood ink, write an exact description of the problem. This is the very opposite of the visualization in most workings. Describe the problem as it exists rather than the desired outcome for it, because we are banishing the problem – NOT the SOLUTION! Keep it short, but to the point and write your description with pure and total honesty.
Sprinkle the remainder of the empowerment herbs into the center of your “statement”. Hold the clove of garlic and the 2 pieces of Tourmaline or Black Opal in your hands; empower them by saying:
“This adversity placed upon me,
Shall be banished from sand and sea,
No longer this habit holds truth spoken
Freely I walk in joy as I carry this blessed token
Remind me daily, little charm, of stopped unwanted behavior,
Replace the bane with joy and positive favor
Let magic begin and no longer wait
With Harm to none, now I control my own fate.
As I will it, So Mote it BE!”
Place the garlic and 1 piece of the Tourmaline into the center of the paper with the herbs and the other piece of tourmaline (Black Opal) (later you may make it into a wearable piece of jewelry as a visible token of your determination to change or keep in a pocket) in front of the Indigo Candle. After the ritual, carry/wear this for as long as it takes to take control of the habit. Each time you feel tempted to backslide, touch it and repeat the charm you spoke or something shorter that reminds you of the work done during this ritual.
Lastly, sprinkle a little salt onto the paper with ingredients to break any negativity and symbolize the Earth’s fertility for new growth/renewal. Carefully, fold the paper into 4 quarters, sealing the ingredients inside (Herbs, Stones and THE HABIT). Use the red cord/thread and begin to wrap this package completely, covering the whole surface of the paper tightly, saying:
“With this cord, I now bind
Stop this behavior and change my mind
This negative behavior afore displayed will now forever go away
By Air and Earth, Water and Fire
You are now bound as I desire
By Power of Moon and Sun,
My will is now done,
Keep Habit’s adversity away from me
With the binding of this cord, I now am FREE.
As I will it, so Mote It Be!”
Repeat your change during the winding of the cord, until none of the paper surface shows through (at least 9 times) . . . then drop this into the jar or zipper baggie of water containing the Tarot card and chain; Saying:
“By the power of three and nine
Control now is only mine
This spell bound round shall remain
As I will it, so Mote It Be!”
Seal the jar tightly or zip up the baggie. Drip a good amount of the candle was from the “CHANGE” candle around the lid/zipper top to seal it. Leave NO spaces. Drop a few drops from the Indigo candle about the top, as well. DO NOT use the “REVERSED BANISHMENT Candle”. Then, pass the jar or baggie through the incense to remove any residual negative thoughts and place the sealed jar/baggie in front of the Indigo candle.
Anoint your Chakra points with the Carnation Oil and STAND UP – DECLARE LOUDLY:
“I accept my responsibility in the cause behind my habit,
And release the need to keep it as my own
I take back my power and demand only that I know myself
I deserve to be happy and healthy and accept only pure love
Love of myself that serves to take all good in life
I accept with humility and joy the gifts of spirit,
From darkness and chaos, I renew and manifest my opportunity
--To transcend limitations!”
Stamp your foot soundly and clap your hands 3 times and shout: “IT IS DONE!”
Thank Set for the lessons he has presented for just as with the ancient’s beliefs, we do learn from adversity. Without dark, there would be no light and without evil, good would have no purpose; and visa versa. The devil only holds power over us if we believe we are powerless to break free, but this ritual has opened the way and broken the bonds that have stifled growth, enlightenment, health and happiness.
“O One of Adversity, Set, your chains no longer hold,
Homage I give you for the lessons gained and truth told,
For without this glance into your realm of fear and dread
I could not have understood the plight that through my life spread,
Blessed Be, O Set, I give you your due,
But from you now I am very through
So, Mote it Be!”
Open your circle and dismiss the quarters in your usual manner.
Extinguish the candles and take the tourmaline to carry throughout your change of habit process. Next take the jar or baggie and place it and its contents into the freezer of your refrigerator to “freeze its effects out of your life.” Place into a corner where it will not be disturbed or thawed by mistake as you do, say aloud:
“From my life all aspects of this behavior are frozen,
Never to thaw and be free to harm me ever again,
Amen, Amen, Amen – It is DONE!”
The remnants of the candles should be buried off your property or tossed into water running swiftly away from your home – that its negativity be so carried/deposited away from your life. Use the wording changed accordingly to your choice of disposal:
“From my life, all aspects of the behavior are …buried/drowned/disposed,
Never to resurface to the light of the Sun,
And to harm me nor anyone every again.
Amen, Amen, Amen – IT IS DONE!”
NOTE: By whatever manner of disposal you have chosen, be sure the contents will not be disturbed, thawed or dug up by mistake. Be considerate of any local laws or environmental concerns when disposing them; if you are not sure, the freezer is perhaps the best choice. Either way, if they are released to the light of day again, this will free the energy bound inside – You sure don’t want to keep it or allow it to return to cause problems.
The IMMEDIATE NEXT STEP AFTER THE RITUAL: To follow-up this spell with ACTION: Make the phone call and appointment with a professional counselor, hypnotist of reputation, sign up for a diet program, 12-step program, etc., all using a source that is sage, dependable and coordinated with your doctor. Anything that ensures that the chain that has been ritually broken, cannot be reattached by apathy or procrastination.
SUGGESTED DEITY: SET/SETH/SUTEKH – Set is possibly the most complicated of all the ancient Egyptian Deities (Neteru or Gods). The form of his head is based on that of no known animal. He is known as the “Red God” – God of the Burning Desert that borders the fertile lands of his brother, Osiris. Anubis (son of Set) ruled the between land as an interceding god, just as he ruled the entrance to the lands of the Afterlife. Set represents the power of opposition to that of good – this concept is depicted in Christian theology as Satan; whose name is often considered to be derived from that of Set. However, unlike the Christian belief, the Egyptians have no problem with the existence of evil or its very nature. They would give offerings to Set, seeing him as a necessary power of opposition so there would be a provisional balance created in the world (Ma’at as that concept). These offerings constituted a display of “Giving the Devil/Set his due”. The Devil Card of the Tarot depicts him in the gesture of “As Above; So Below” (a common theme in Egyptian Cosmology/Mythology) and a reminder that “As it is in Heaven; So, it is on Earth”. The letter of this card is Ayin, which means “eye” (which Set snatched from Horus (son of Osiris) after their epic mythic battle of good vs. evil and revenge). This card shows a giant coiled serpent behind Set, (Typhon in Greek Mythology) called Apop or Apophis, which is a form of Set—another striking similarity to the Garden of Eden serpent of Satan; who tempts and brings opposition into the biblical Adam and Eve’s idyllic life.
Colors: Indigo (The color of twilight / Third Chakra – “To speak one’s truths” – asking for help, admitting to self aloud, that which is in the heart.
Best Time for Enacting: Waning Moon on a Saturday in the Hour of Saturn.
You will Need: The Devil Tarot Card, A very long silver chain; Red Heavy Cord or Very Long Ribbon; Square of Indigo or White paper 9” x 9”; Incense (Recipe: 1 Part Cinnamon powder, 2 Parts Frankincense Resin, 2 Parts Myrrh Resin, 1 Tbsp. Lotus Oil, Pine or Cypress Needles, ½ tsp. Sandalwood chips); Quill Pen and Dove’s Blood Ink; A Bell; 2 Black Candles; 1 Indigo Candle; Candle Holders; Small Jar w/Screw Top (or Zipper Baggie); Holy Water or Salt Water; Bowl; Inscribing Tool/Pen; Scissors; Clove of Garlic; 2 Pieces of Black Opal or Tourmaline; Carnation Oil; Mortar and Pestle; Charcoal Blocks; Small Incense Censor.
A pinch of each of these Herbs: THISTLE (Saturn – To Break Hexes); ALLSPICE (To Obtain Power Over . . .); CARNATION (Protection); Snap Dragon (Exorcism/Banishing); Solomon’s Seal (To Break Hexes); CAYENNE or BLACK PEPPER (Protection and Rejection of . . .)
Preparation: Pre-mix your own ingredients or purchase a blend whose purpose is for banishing negative vibrations. Prepare your altar area, arrange it so you will be facing the EAST: intending a “New Dawn” and rebirth. When you are ready to begin, set some of the incense burning in your cauldron or censor to scent and clear the room Light the indigo candle in the center of the altar and prop the Tarot Card (Devil) up against the candle base. Put the two black candles in their holders and the other ingredients appropriately handy. I recommend you perform a Ritual Bath to cleanse the energy surrounding you prior to beginning the spell working. Take the chain with you so it can be cleansed at the same time.
Bathe in bath salts or adding a handful of sea salt to your bath water; or using an “Exorcism of Issues” mixture. (Recipe suggested: 1 handful of Bath Salts/Sea Salt; 3 Parts Frankincense Oil; 3 Parts Sandalwood Oil; 2 Parts Rosemary Oil; ONLY 1 Drop Clove Oil (Only 1 – Irritant!) May use the equivalents as herb/resins with the drop of Clove oil; mix them together.)
During Bath or Sit in Contemplation before Enacting Spell: Use this time to meditate on the habit or problem of which you wish its chains broken. Be brutally honest with yourself and explain the harm you are doing to yourself and those around you by allowing the habit to continue unchecked. Enforce within yourself all the energy you possess to make changes and muster this courage within the center of your being. This is NO time for excuses! You have decided to try to correct the habit; so, don’t let yourself backslide with self-doubt. The element of water about you will remind you that it is correct to nurture and love yourself enough to care about YOU (for a change).
Say aloud several times: “I am in control of all I say and do. What I say, I will be.”
If you sat in an actual tub of water rather than visualizing the bath; and are ready, release the plug (or imagine doing so) and watch the water drain out. Visualize the habit/issue either by word, color or image (I.e., if it is to quit smoking, see the pack of cigarettes going; if to stop drinking, see the alcohol poured from the bottle into the water and flowing away with it down the drain, etc.). When the water is completely out, say aloud:
“I am in control of all I say and do. What I say I will be.
All that has harmed and chained me has now gone and . . . I am free!”
Splash a bit of cold-water to remove the irritant clove oil residue that may still be on your skin, also to bring yourself alert and revitalized. Towel dry and dress in comfortable clothing for the ritual. TIE the old silver chain (necklace) about your neck – NOT too tight, so it can later be broken during the ritual. This symbolizes your chains to the old habit, which will be broken. (suggestion: use one that will pull apart without hurting your neck or tie loose enough that the knot will give way, at the appropriate time.)
The best timing for ridding yourself of anything, especially for banishing, binding or uncrossing is on a Saturday, during a Waning Moon, which is the phase used to release things away from you.
Cast your circle of protection and call your quarters according to your tradition; light the Indigo Candle.
Pay the Devil His Due now by making acknowledgement to Set. Take note that this ritual is not intended to request his presence. There is already enough adversity in the form of the habit/issue or obsessive behavior that is being banished and bound, so we do NOT need to request more of the same. Now Say:
“Homage to you, Set-Amentet, Lord of the Western Region and Arid Sand,
I am ___ (your Secret Magical Name)___, Honored on this Earth where I stand,
From your chains, I am reborn as new soil I grow now unabated,
From all bounds and bane I request you to set me free and tempers sated,
Your lessons taught through opposition, I have learned well,
Now I honor you for all you have taught and shown me with ringing of a bell,
Set-Amentet, Warden of the Arid Western Desert, region hot and dry,
From all adversity, I turn my face and from thee fly,
With Harm to None, nor turn back upon me,
So Mote it be!”
As you speak the last words, grasp the chain and quickly yank it from your necks (Careful not to hurt yourself, but to visualize it as it symbolizes forcefully breaking the chain that Set has on your life in the form of the habit/obsession, and ring the bell as you speak of it and again all around the broken chain (thus, cleansing and clearing the negative energy; breaking the bond it represents with sound and vibration). Take the broken chain and entwine the Devil Tarot Card with it; like the shape of Apophis winding/coiling about Set in the picture (If you use another card without the same artwork, still envision the coiling of a serpent as the great evil symbol). As you wind it, say:
“I return the silver chain that has bound me under sky and moon,
That it no longer holds me captive or hams those I love or myself,
Declare I now free to live renewed and in complete health!”
Drop the card and chain together into the Holy Water in the jar (or into the baggie of blessed salt water). Swish them counterclockwise three times as you speak:
“Water, you are the vehicle of transformation
Salt you are the element of Earth and abundance abounding
Declare I now free to live renewed and in complete health.”
Grind the herbs (Thistle, Allspice, Carnation, Snap Dragon, Solomon’s Seal and Cayenne or Black Pepper) in your mortar and pestle. Empower them by running your hand around the edge of the mortar and visualizing your energy infusing the herbs. During this entire process, you could speak a favorite blessing charm or something like:
“By the power of three times three,
By the power of Earth, Sun, Moon and Sea,
Precious herbs to power exorcism of all that is bane,
Freedom from Set’s harsh control; Now I banish ___(Name of Habit) __ by name.”
Next, be sure the incense is still smoldering and if needed add another pinch of the mixture.
Prepare your black candles by Inscribing them as follows:
First Black CHANGE Candle: Use symbol of Capricorn, a Protective eye/Eye of Horus, and the word “Change”, Letter Ayin, meaning eye, or the like. Dress the candle in the Carnation Oil and place into a holder on the left side of the Indigo Candle.
The Second Black BANISHING Candle: Before inscribing this candle, cut a hollow space in the base, around the wick, but don’t cut the wick itself, and insert a pinch of the herbal mixture. Drip a bit of the wax from the Indigo Candle over the hole to seal it, leaving the wick free for lighting. Inscribe the word that represents the habit you are breaking (“Smoking”, “Drugs”, “Over-Eating”, etc.) on the side of the candle. Then directly under that word, make a symbol that indicates breaking the habit – a large “X” over the word or draw an image of it exploding (I.e., a bottle, breaking apart for drinking). Be creative. You don’t have to be an artist, but the more effort put into the inscribing, the more energy is added to the candle.
Next, with a sharp instrument, cut off the top of the candle and wick (where you would normally light the candle) to square it off and set the top into the holder next to the indigo candle. You have now reversed the candle and, therefore, reversed the effects of the habit in your life. The hollowed-out base becomes the new top to be lit; the new bottom (formerly top) is squared to fit into holder.
Light the two black candles nor and say:
“Candles of Banishment, burned at both ends,
Wick to flame, this habit ends,
All its power and chains about me felt
All that power reversed and from me melt,
As I will it, So Mote It Be!”
Next take the indigo or white paper square and with the quill pen, dipped into the Dove’s Blood ink, write an exact description of the problem. This is the very opposite of the visualization in most workings. Describe the problem as it exists rather than the desired outcome for it, because we are banishing the problem – NOT the SOLUTION! Keep it short, but to the point and write your description with pure and total honesty.
Sprinkle the remainder of the empowerment herbs into the center of your “statement”. Hold the clove of garlic and the 2 pieces of Tourmaline or Black Opal in your hands; empower them by saying:
“This adversity placed upon me,
Shall be banished from sand and sea,
No longer this habit holds truth spoken
Freely I walk in joy as I carry this blessed token
Remind me daily, little charm, of stopped unwanted behavior,
Replace the bane with joy and positive favor
Let magic begin and no longer wait
With Harm to none, now I control my own fate.
As I will it, So Mote it BE!”
Place the garlic and 1 piece of the Tourmaline into the center of the paper with the herbs and the other piece of tourmaline (Black Opal) (later you may make it into a wearable piece of jewelry as a visible token of your determination to change or keep in a pocket) in front of the Indigo Candle. After the ritual, carry/wear this for as long as it takes to take control of the habit. Each time you feel tempted to backslide, touch it and repeat the charm you spoke or something shorter that reminds you of the work done during this ritual.
Lastly, sprinkle a little salt onto the paper with ingredients to break any negativity and symbolize the Earth’s fertility for new growth/renewal. Carefully, fold the paper into 4 quarters, sealing the ingredients inside (Herbs, Stones and THE HABIT). Use the red cord/thread and begin to wrap this package completely, covering the whole surface of the paper tightly, saying:
“With this cord, I now bind
Stop this behavior and change my mind
This negative behavior afore displayed will now forever go away
By Air and Earth, Water and Fire
You are now bound as I desire
By Power of Moon and Sun,
My will is now done,
Keep Habit’s adversity away from me
With the binding of this cord, I now am FREE.
As I will it, so Mote It Be!”
Repeat your change during the winding of the cord, until none of the paper surface shows through (at least 9 times) . . . then drop this into the jar or zipper baggie of water containing the Tarot card and chain; Saying:
“By the power of three and nine
Control now is only mine
This spell bound round shall remain
As I will it, so Mote It Be!”
Seal the jar tightly or zip up the baggie. Drip a good amount of the candle was from the “CHANGE” candle around the lid/zipper top to seal it. Leave NO spaces. Drop a few drops from the Indigo candle about the top, as well. DO NOT use the “REVERSED BANISHMENT Candle”. Then, pass the jar or baggie through the incense to remove any residual negative thoughts and place the sealed jar/baggie in front of the Indigo candle.
Anoint your Chakra points with the Carnation Oil and STAND UP – DECLARE LOUDLY:
“I accept my responsibility in the cause behind my habit,
And release the need to keep it as my own
I take back my power and demand only that I know myself
I deserve to be happy and healthy and accept only pure love
Love of myself that serves to take all good in life
I accept with humility and joy the gifts of spirit,
From darkness and chaos, I renew and manifest my opportunity
--To transcend limitations!”
Stamp your foot soundly and clap your hands 3 times and shout: “IT IS DONE!”
Thank Set for the lessons he has presented for just as with the ancient’s beliefs, we do learn from adversity. Without dark, there would be no light and without evil, good would have no purpose; and visa versa. The devil only holds power over us if we believe we are powerless to break free, but this ritual has opened the way and broken the bonds that have stifled growth, enlightenment, health and happiness.
“O One of Adversity, Set, your chains no longer hold,
Homage I give you for the lessons gained and truth told,
For without this glance into your realm of fear and dread
I could not have understood the plight that through my life spread,
Blessed Be, O Set, I give you your due,
But from you now I am very through
So, Mote it Be!”
Open your circle and dismiss the quarters in your usual manner.
Extinguish the candles and take the tourmaline to carry throughout your change of habit process. Next take the jar or baggie and place it and its contents into the freezer of your refrigerator to “freeze its effects out of your life.” Place into a corner where it will not be disturbed or thawed by mistake as you do, say aloud:
“From my life all aspects of this behavior are frozen,
Never to thaw and be free to harm me ever again,
Amen, Amen, Amen – It is DONE!”
The remnants of the candles should be buried off your property or tossed into water running swiftly away from your home – that its negativity be so carried/deposited away from your life. Use the wording changed accordingly to your choice of disposal:
“From my life, all aspects of the behavior are …buried/drowned/disposed,
Never to resurface to the light of the Sun,
And to harm me nor anyone every again.
Amen, Amen, Amen – IT IS DONE!”
NOTE: By whatever manner of disposal you have chosen, be sure the contents will not be disturbed, thawed or dug up by mistake. Be considerate of any local laws or environmental concerns when disposing them; if you are not sure, the freezer is perhaps the best choice. Either way, if they are released to the light of day again, this will free the energy bound inside – You sure don’t want to keep it or allow it to return to cause problems.
The IMMEDIATE NEXT STEP AFTER THE RITUAL: To follow-up this spell with ACTION: Make the phone call and appointment with a professional counselor, hypnotist of reputation, sign up for a diet program, 12-step program, etc., all using a source that is sage, dependable and coordinated with your doctor. Anything that ensures that the chain that has been ritually broken, cannot be reattached by apathy or procrastination.