Today, many people are using a variety of oil mixtures for all sorts of things from stress and relaxation to all manner of health-related remedies. The blending and preparation of natural plants, flowers, animal products, and minerals into infusions, elixirs and pure oil essences is an ancient art form that is known today as homeopathy and aromatherapy. The oils are produced commercially and by old kitchen witchery recipes. Often several simple oils are blended to create inventive combinations for specific desired outcomes. These combinations are given names which indicate their use, such as: “Money Drawing Oil”, “Protection Oil”, “Meditation Oil”, “Erotic Enticement Oil” (smile), and a special blend for the Tarot Reader -- “Turtle Oil”
What better way to pry someone out of their “shell” or lift them out of that rut than to grease the wheels with an application of something called Turtle Oil. What is that, you ask? Oh, it's an easy recipe. The ingredients are basic -- a large dollop of sincerity, caring, and love; a pinch of compassion, a cup of understanding, a double dose of willingness to listen; and a dash of salt to remove negativity and for flavor. Gently mix into a solution of experience, open-mindedness, and genuine knowledge of the divination tool (in this case, Tarot Cards) which will be used to pry our victim free. Apply the mixture liberally to the client with great care and as often as needed. Once freed from their shell, the client stands vulnerable and sometimes raw, but now the healing can begin spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally.
This magical brew is very powerful in the right hands or it can create a disaster just as easily in the wrong ones. The wise Tarot Consultant accepts a great deal of responsibility and will have a working knowledge of the availability of credentialed, professional references, such as doctors, lawyers, financial advisers, etc. Now, that our oil recipe is prepared, it is important to understand the correct application of it. Like all homeopathic remedies, it is no good without the wisdom to apply it in a professional, caring manner and with a great deal of tact. To do this, the reader should employ a sound personal philosophy which encompasses their experience, belief system, self-confidence, and knowledge of their craft. This creates a structure called methodology which is the scientific process, rules, and/or ethics of a system -- or simply the “how to”. A consultant is one who can be entrusted with all manner of secrets and personal information. Thus, confidentiality is not only implied, but expected when a client asks for advice. In most cases, a psychic reading is requested both when a person is in crisis as well as with simpler questions, such as “when will I find a man/woman.” Most of those with dire situations have NOT sought any prior professional advice, so care and tact are imperative.
Whether having a tarot reading for insight and guidance is less or more valuable to an individual as a counseling tool than that of utilizing the services of a professional counselor alone can be argued until forever and requires consideration of all points of view. It is doubtful that we would ever reach total agreement, but, this article is not intended to solve that debate. Rather, I would like to suggest that all tarot readers determine their own definition of a Tarot Consultant and formulate a personal, professional methodology to meet this modernized outlook on an old system. Then mix up a batch of Turtle Oil.
When a client comes for a reading, sits down and gets comfortable, they lower their defenses and place their trust and proverbial fate in the reader’s hands. However, fate is a flexible beast and if the chosen reader ascribes to high standards (For example, those suggested by The American Tarot Association), then this trust is well placed. Using Tarot for guidance reaches back many hundreds of years. It provides a method to access the higher self or subconscious mind where the deepest, intuitive knowledge lies. The tarot incorporates many tendrils to that world -- color, symbol, archetype, numerology, Zodiac correspondences, etc. Yet, does any degree of study to map this terrain or degree of psychic ability automatically give us the right to advise? There is a thin dividing line between advice based on the ability and ethics of a tarot reader and that of a credentialed counselor/adviser or medical professional. Any medical diagnosis or legal advice should never be given by the tarot reader no matter how intuitive – EVER. And, NO, your reader cannot tell you when or how you will die – or if there is a demon hiding under your bed and a curse upon your head which they can vanquish with an expensive candle or spell. A reader or psychic is best sought for direction, advice, and predictive information but even then, without Turtle Oil and resources, any reader may be criticized as merely a new twist in an old cliché.
This article, is NOT suggesting that one is better than the other NOR that a person should depend solely on tarot rather than a professional -- or the other way around. All aspects of the situation must be considered. In nearly every case, the tarot is apt to suggest the need for professional diagnosis and advice; and seldom is that reversed. Instead of debating that old issue, this article is designed to demonstrate the way that tarot can be a viable consultation tool. A good reader not only employs all the aspects previously described, but also allows their psychic/intuitive abilities free rein during a reading. The cards provide a story board from which a situation or issue is clarified, any influential aspects can be seen, and a possible solution or outcome is offered. That outcome always depends solely upon the decisions made by the client and it is most important for the reader to remain nonjudgmental. There are NO absolutes in any situation and the reader must SHOW the client rather than push them in any direction. The cards can also provide a warning when something cannot be avoided and save a lot of later headaches -- “forewarned is forearmed”.
Even with intuitive/psychic connections, simply reading the cards is incomplete and, in a manner of speaking, those cards could also be afforded a free rein. When a reader learns to completely trust their cards, an unconventional expansion on the initial reading can be done by un-reversing cards or adding cards beyond the outcome position – even creating new avenues or positions within that same reading. This directly applies the Turtle Oil to the basic situation and, then, demonstrates just how a different approach, attitude, or decision can CHANGE the outcome -- or NOT. No, I cannot explain HOW it works -- it JUST DOES! No matter how vulnerable or helpless the client may feel, when they can see profoundly effective ways to take charge, unblock obstacles, and begin inventing empowering processes, an immediate attitudinal healing begins. They also understand better that they affect their own lives in either a constructive or destructive way.
As free will creatures, if we can see more than the cold hard facts, we immediately begin to appreciate life's possibilities creating HOPE and EMPOWERMENT – and to unmask that elusive blessing in disguise. By this fact, a definition of Tarot Consultation emerges. It is hope through trust and re-order through chaos. The job of the reader is to simply offer help and guidance (not so unlike their professional counterparts), but it is ultimately up to the individual client to accept that gift and apply it to their own life. The reader can only use all his/her skills and maintain a complete understanding of the legal regulations and limitations. This will differentiate them and earn them the trust and respect they deserve.
You might think that this article sounds a bit like a reinvention of the old cliché reminiscent of a traveling snake oil salesmen. But remember, even that elixir, though seldom actually effective, was touted as a cure-all. Our modern version is from a more reputable animal upon who’s back the world is carried in folklore. It can safely be added liberally to all of life problems. Like its older counterpart, our oil is dependent upon the free will choices of the patient and never purely the solution in and of itself. Without exception, the modern reader should hang out their “shingle” and proudly announce --
What better way to pry someone out of their “shell” or lift them out of that rut than to grease the wheels with an application of something called Turtle Oil. What is that, you ask? Oh, it's an easy recipe. The ingredients are basic -- a large dollop of sincerity, caring, and love; a pinch of compassion, a cup of understanding, a double dose of willingness to listen; and a dash of salt to remove negativity and for flavor. Gently mix into a solution of experience, open-mindedness, and genuine knowledge of the divination tool (in this case, Tarot Cards) which will be used to pry our victim free. Apply the mixture liberally to the client with great care and as often as needed. Once freed from their shell, the client stands vulnerable and sometimes raw, but now the healing can begin spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally.
This magical brew is very powerful in the right hands or it can create a disaster just as easily in the wrong ones. The wise Tarot Consultant accepts a great deal of responsibility and will have a working knowledge of the availability of credentialed, professional references, such as doctors, lawyers, financial advisers, etc. Now, that our oil recipe is prepared, it is important to understand the correct application of it. Like all homeopathic remedies, it is no good without the wisdom to apply it in a professional, caring manner and with a great deal of tact. To do this, the reader should employ a sound personal philosophy which encompasses their experience, belief system, self-confidence, and knowledge of their craft. This creates a structure called methodology which is the scientific process, rules, and/or ethics of a system -- or simply the “how to”. A consultant is one who can be entrusted with all manner of secrets and personal information. Thus, confidentiality is not only implied, but expected when a client asks for advice. In most cases, a psychic reading is requested both when a person is in crisis as well as with simpler questions, such as “when will I find a man/woman.” Most of those with dire situations have NOT sought any prior professional advice, so care and tact are imperative.
Whether having a tarot reading for insight and guidance is less or more valuable to an individual as a counseling tool than that of utilizing the services of a professional counselor alone can be argued until forever and requires consideration of all points of view. It is doubtful that we would ever reach total agreement, but, this article is not intended to solve that debate. Rather, I would like to suggest that all tarot readers determine their own definition of a Tarot Consultant and formulate a personal, professional methodology to meet this modernized outlook on an old system. Then mix up a batch of Turtle Oil.
When a client comes for a reading, sits down and gets comfortable, they lower their defenses and place their trust and proverbial fate in the reader’s hands. However, fate is a flexible beast and if the chosen reader ascribes to high standards (For example, those suggested by The American Tarot Association), then this trust is well placed. Using Tarot for guidance reaches back many hundreds of years. It provides a method to access the higher self or subconscious mind where the deepest, intuitive knowledge lies. The tarot incorporates many tendrils to that world -- color, symbol, archetype, numerology, Zodiac correspondences, etc. Yet, does any degree of study to map this terrain or degree of psychic ability automatically give us the right to advise? There is a thin dividing line between advice based on the ability and ethics of a tarot reader and that of a credentialed counselor/adviser or medical professional. Any medical diagnosis or legal advice should never be given by the tarot reader no matter how intuitive – EVER. And, NO, your reader cannot tell you when or how you will die – or if there is a demon hiding under your bed and a curse upon your head which they can vanquish with an expensive candle or spell. A reader or psychic is best sought for direction, advice, and predictive information but even then, without Turtle Oil and resources, any reader may be criticized as merely a new twist in an old cliché.
This article, is NOT suggesting that one is better than the other NOR that a person should depend solely on tarot rather than a professional -- or the other way around. All aspects of the situation must be considered. In nearly every case, the tarot is apt to suggest the need for professional diagnosis and advice; and seldom is that reversed. Instead of debating that old issue, this article is designed to demonstrate the way that tarot can be a viable consultation tool. A good reader not only employs all the aspects previously described, but also allows their psychic/intuitive abilities free rein during a reading. The cards provide a story board from which a situation or issue is clarified, any influential aspects can be seen, and a possible solution or outcome is offered. That outcome always depends solely upon the decisions made by the client and it is most important for the reader to remain nonjudgmental. There are NO absolutes in any situation and the reader must SHOW the client rather than push them in any direction. The cards can also provide a warning when something cannot be avoided and save a lot of later headaches -- “forewarned is forearmed”.
Even with intuitive/psychic connections, simply reading the cards is incomplete and, in a manner of speaking, those cards could also be afforded a free rein. When a reader learns to completely trust their cards, an unconventional expansion on the initial reading can be done by un-reversing cards or adding cards beyond the outcome position – even creating new avenues or positions within that same reading. This directly applies the Turtle Oil to the basic situation and, then, demonstrates just how a different approach, attitude, or decision can CHANGE the outcome -- or NOT. No, I cannot explain HOW it works -- it JUST DOES! No matter how vulnerable or helpless the client may feel, when they can see profoundly effective ways to take charge, unblock obstacles, and begin inventing empowering processes, an immediate attitudinal healing begins. They also understand better that they affect their own lives in either a constructive or destructive way.
As free will creatures, if we can see more than the cold hard facts, we immediately begin to appreciate life's possibilities creating HOPE and EMPOWERMENT – and to unmask that elusive blessing in disguise. By this fact, a definition of Tarot Consultation emerges. It is hope through trust and re-order through chaos. The job of the reader is to simply offer help and guidance (not so unlike their professional counterparts), but it is ultimately up to the individual client to accept that gift and apply it to their own life. The reader can only use all his/her skills and maintain a complete understanding of the legal regulations and limitations. This will differentiate them and earn them the trust and respect they deserve.
You might think that this article sounds a bit like a reinvention of the old cliché reminiscent of a traveling snake oil salesmen. But remember, even that elixir, though seldom actually effective, was touted as a cure-all. Our modern version is from a more reputable animal upon who’s back the world is carried in folklore. It can safely be added liberally to all of life problems. Like its older counterpart, our oil is dependent upon the free will choices of the patient and never purely the solution in and of itself. Without exception, the modern reader should hang out their “shingle” and proudly announce --