written by: Anita Merrick / Crystal Wind
We can only speculate about what lies ahead as we begin a fresh new year and set course for a new decade. The wisest idea is “SMILE” no matter the negatives swirling around us; a smile is the brain’s signal to understand and believe that we are happy and everything is good, regardless of all happening around us. Sounds simple. Try it for yourself; you might even burst out in hysterics looking at the “grinning idiot” in the mirror; I did. Then think of that smile as a candle of the expression for light becomes the key to brightening the world around us and only light can overcome darkness. While there are times when it seems even harder to put our positive foot forward or find that positive spin on our lives and events. Even though the stories and images of gloom and doom appear everywhere taking the priority or headlines of our news programming, there are others in later pages, often ignored for being away from immediacy of our notice, but they can go a long way to outweigh those louder negatives. While I do not wish to belabor the positive vs negative things at every turn of our life paths, there is one truth that needs to be remembered -- Finding balance in life requires both positive and negative, like a fat, naught brat on the dark end of the teeter-totter that does his best to out-weight the skinny, happy kid on the other light end.
Imagine the physics therein. Those basics of using image of a fulcrum intended as a balance point even as their teeter-totter cannot move freely if that heavier child applies ALL the control. Soon the thinner, happier child will be stuck and struggling to get down from so high off the ground (reality). At least, allow the analogy to paint the image and even chuckle at it for the smile on your lips might just serve to scare off any adversity plaguing you at this time. From a metaphysical standpoint, one might think of all forms of negativity either as either end of that teeter-totter or imagine the normal difficulties of life more like the varying waves and currents of the ocean, which we traverse daily throughout our lives. Despite the craziness or drastic changes that seem determined to make life on this beautifully unique planet on the “interesting” side, yet so many focus more on the positive while others stare at the negative waves. It can be difficult not to pass judgement either way, yet I am reminded of what my mother always said when something bad happened: “it takes two to Tango and not our business what they do.” I never paid much attention to her though back then, but working toward my own betterment as a spiritual person and metaphysical student, I have learned something important to replace that sort of “look the other way” attitude: While there are always variations of worldly chaotic events and negative ideas set afloat in the world, they are in some ways “NECESSARY EVILS” because those things become as the catalysts, which can assist in the eventual RISE in THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE PLANET as a WHOLE. Oh, indeed, I think it would be better if it only took all the good deeds, positive intentions and acts of kindness would take management of that grandiose change for our world, but it will require both sides of that metaphoric teeter-totter working in tandem and opposition, alike, to get the job done, eventually reaching the goal of its becoming perfectly balanced upon the fulcrum point. I choose to believe that we are not doomed to horrific extinction, but there will one day be that balancing between good and evil when human and animals will thrive in harmony once again—reclaiming the “garden of Eden” planet-wide. Unfortunately, there are so many different lessons being taught by a variety of shamanic teachers that need to be understood before that garden can be reseeded of the world’s “teeter-totter” cease in its need to rise and fall, dancing in disharmony and imbalance.
If we all believe we can have influence—it will be so! The answer lies in discovering our unique gifts, skills, and roles in this lifetime on this planet and dimension. Here on the Earth plane, we do not have to do anyone else’s part or live up to other’s expectations. Our true spiritual path is simple -- to awaken as a soul having an Earthly experience in its current vessel (body), as well as seek the awakening of the “shaman within.” It is that inner voice of heart wisdom that will guide us to our personal sacred purpose. This may be inspired by taking a symbolic Shamanic journey according to the way it best fits with your belief system or personal intuitive directive from either within or from our angels, spirit guides or loving ancestors. That journey is an imaginary/meditative journey that features our death and rebirth and can point us toward a desire for taking a new path toward better connections to higher realms or becoming a healer, reader, medium or spiritually motivated writer. This journey is a choice, which will surely raise the individual’s vibrations and lead them to making changes in their life. Sometimes that change can appear when one is not or barely prepared to take it and make it realized. But, being unprepared is not a boulder in the path; rather it can be seen merely as a big stepping stone or if we feel unready, I might advise seeking a truthful and experienced teacher or guide, book or other source that can make the beginning process less stress-filled and elicit the confidence needed to take the leap off that barrier rock.
For the rest of this blog, I want to share some insights I’ve collected that I hope will provide you some inspiration or perhaps get you thinking more about some topics that abound nowadays, needing our positive input, thought and most importantly our prayers and energy directed toward them (a skill we all possess without much training beyond the knowing we can do it and it is ours for just by being human). I will share some quotes that I find especially valuable for the start of a new decade and hope you will find inspiration or reasons to consider on their topic further …
Wolf Clan, Seneca Nation, Grandmother Twylah Nitsch, once said: “Don’t worry too much about the world. The world will be here long after humans are gone. The waters can heal themselves over time, the earth’s surface and air will heal over time, but we may not be here to see it.”
Let me add to her words: to truly heal this planet, we must first heal the hearts and minds of human beings, beginning with ourselves--thereby, placing trust in our ability to awakening that “Shaman Within.
Perhaps you have been on this spiritual or mystical path for many years or perhaps you are a beginner who wears “new mystical shoes” that need breaking in before you are courageous to stride onward and literally upward. Either way, you need only to do what your heart inspires; while I know that sounds simple, sometimes it is not and that is okay. As a reader, I am seeing too many people who have just had their wake-up call. They will soon realize what the others have known for a while; they will begin recognizing on a planetary scale, the signs that are all around us that speak to a need to heal on all levels, then apply one’s wisdom and positivity as it is the way of changing conditions in our world. I believe there are synchronistic things happening to us (including for all people and the world, in general) every minute of every day -- in the -- NOW.
To keep that trend going, it is important for us to learn at the deepest level the concept of -- “Power With” versus “Power Over.” Power With comes from a place of love and its counterpart (back on the teeter-totter?) Power Over, comes from that of control and disconnection. We are creatures of both light and dark. It may seem like a teeter-totter existing in the mind or heart (metaphorically, that is), but I would say such is for a later metaphysician debate. Instead, remember it is normal to contain part positive and part negative aspects and it is illogical to simply assume we are merely a mirror of that above realm or that it mirrors each of us below. Instead, as we learn life’s greatest lessons, we must honestly face those hiding in the shadows or our dark side. Remember that wisdom arisings from the lessons from within both of those aspects of our humanness and from both places do we learn to comprehend the truth of finding an inner balance. From that place does our evolvement and understanding of the self and our best lives emerge and develop.
We are truly becoming co-creators in the now; and, as the shamans and teachers of today continue assisting in creating that vision, thus we can reinvent a peaceful future instead of merely being passive byproducts of the misinformed and depressed minds. In order, to awaken our own “inner wisdom” or “inner shaman” we need to find a crack in our outer armor and then seek from within our hearts a willingness to step out of our old box/ways of thinking. Too often, it comes after a traumatic event, such as serious accident, darkness of an addiction, deep depression, divorce, loss of job/career or spiritual/mental crisis, all of which are as a dance in the blackest unlit corners of the heart/mind/spirit. Usually, the way out cannot begin until one understands they are in a space of wondering and wandering. Until something awakens the lost to a sense of there being something of light awaiting their attention or just that there is something greater toward which they might reach out and take a metaphoric hand.
All clear enough evidence that the inner shaman has heard the call our call to awaken; thus, receiving the messages and guidance from the Higher Power. On that thought, let me conclude this blog with the following and a hope that this new year will bring each of us a personal version or understanding of this truth –
When Buddha was asked if he was a god, he replied he was not. When he was asked if he was a saint, he replied he was not. ‘Then what are you,’ he was asked. “I am Awake.” He replied.
We can only speculate about what lies ahead as we begin a fresh new year and set course for a new decade. The wisest idea is “SMILE” no matter the negatives swirling around us; a smile is the brain’s signal to understand and believe that we are happy and everything is good, regardless of all happening around us. Sounds simple. Try it for yourself; you might even burst out in hysterics looking at the “grinning idiot” in the mirror; I did. Then think of that smile as a candle of the expression for light becomes the key to brightening the world around us and only light can overcome darkness. While there are times when it seems even harder to put our positive foot forward or find that positive spin on our lives and events. Even though the stories and images of gloom and doom appear everywhere taking the priority or headlines of our news programming, there are others in later pages, often ignored for being away from immediacy of our notice, but they can go a long way to outweigh those louder negatives. While I do not wish to belabor the positive vs negative things at every turn of our life paths, there is one truth that needs to be remembered -- Finding balance in life requires both positive and negative, like a fat, naught brat on the dark end of the teeter-totter that does his best to out-weight the skinny, happy kid on the other light end.
Imagine the physics therein. Those basics of using image of a fulcrum intended as a balance point even as their teeter-totter cannot move freely if that heavier child applies ALL the control. Soon the thinner, happier child will be stuck and struggling to get down from so high off the ground (reality). At least, allow the analogy to paint the image and even chuckle at it for the smile on your lips might just serve to scare off any adversity plaguing you at this time. From a metaphysical standpoint, one might think of all forms of negativity either as either end of that teeter-totter or imagine the normal difficulties of life more like the varying waves and currents of the ocean, which we traverse daily throughout our lives. Despite the craziness or drastic changes that seem determined to make life on this beautifully unique planet on the “interesting” side, yet so many focus more on the positive while others stare at the negative waves. It can be difficult not to pass judgement either way, yet I am reminded of what my mother always said when something bad happened: “it takes two to Tango and not our business what they do.” I never paid much attention to her though back then, but working toward my own betterment as a spiritual person and metaphysical student, I have learned something important to replace that sort of “look the other way” attitude: While there are always variations of worldly chaotic events and negative ideas set afloat in the world, they are in some ways “NECESSARY EVILS” because those things become as the catalysts, which can assist in the eventual RISE in THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE PLANET as a WHOLE. Oh, indeed, I think it would be better if it only took all the good deeds, positive intentions and acts of kindness would take management of that grandiose change for our world, but it will require both sides of that metaphoric teeter-totter working in tandem and opposition, alike, to get the job done, eventually reaching the goal of its becoming perfectly balanced upon the fulcrum point. I choose to believe that we are not doomed to horrific extinction, but there will one day be that balancing between good and evil when human and animals will thrive in harmony once again—reclaiming the “garden of Eden” planet-wide. Unfortunately, there are so many different lessons being taught by a variety of shamanic teachers that need to be understood before that garden can be reseeded of the world’s “teeter-totter” cease in its need to rise and fall, dancing in disharmony and imbalance.
If we all believe we can have influence—it will be so! The answer lies in discovering our unique gifts, skills, and roles in this lifetime on this planet and dimension. Here on the Earth plane, we do not have to do anyone else’s part or live up to other’s expectations. Our true spiritual path is simple -- to awaken as a soul having an Earthly experience in its current vessel (body), as well as seek the awakening of the “shaman within.” It is that inner voice of heart wisdom that will guide us to our personal sacred purpose. This may be inspired by taking a symbolic Shamanic journey according to the way it best fits with your belief system or personal intuitive directive from either within or from our angels, spirit guides or loving ancestors. That journey is an imaginary/meditative journey that features our death and rebirth and can point us toward a desire for taking a new path toward better connections to higher realms or becoming a healer, reader, medium or spiritually motivated writer. This journey is a choice, which will surely raise the individual’s vibrations and lead them to making changes in their life. Sometimes that change can appear when one is not or barely prepared to take it and make it realized. But, being unprepared is not a boulder in the path; rather it can be seen merely as a big stepping stone or if we feel unready, I might advise seeking a truthful and experienced teacher or guide, book or other source that can make the beginning process less stress-filled and elicit the confidence needed to take the leap off that barrier rock.
For the rest of this blog, I want to share some insights I’ve collected that I hope will provide you some inspiration or perhaps get you thinking more about some topics that abound nowadays, needing our positive input, thought and most importantly our prayers and energy directed toward them (a skill we all possess without much training beyond the knowing we can do it and it is ours for just by being human). I will share some quotes that I find especially valuable for the start of a new decade and hope you will find inspiration or reasons to consider on their topic further …
Wolf Clan, Seneca Nation, Grandmother Twylah Nitsch, once said: “Don’t worry too much about the world. The world will be here long after humans are gone. The waters can heal themselves over time, the earth’s surface and air will heal over time, but we may not be here to see it.”
Let me add to her words: to truly heal this planet, we must first heal the hearts and minds of human beings, beginning with ourselves--thereby, placing trust in our ability to awakening that “Shaman Within.
Perhaps you have been on this spiritual or mystical path for many years or perhaps you are a beginner who wears “new mystical shoes” that need breaking in before you are courageous to stride onward and literally upward. Either way, you need only to do what your heart inspires; while I know that sounds simple, sometimes it is not and that is okay. As a reader, I am seeing too many people who have just had their wake-up call. They will soon realize what the others have known for a while; they will begin recognizing on a planetary scale, the signs that are all around us that speak to a need to heal on all levels, then apply one’s wisdom and positivity as it is the way of changing conditions in our world. I believe there are synchronistic things happening to us (including for all people and the world, in general) every minute of every day -- in the -- NOW.
To keep that trend going, it is important for us to learn at the deepest level the concept of -- “Power With” versus “Power Over.” Power With comes from a place of love and its counterpart (back on the teeter-totter?) Power Over, comes from that of control and disconnection. We are creatures of both light and dark. It may seem like a teeter-totter existing in the mind or heart (metaphorically, that is), but I would say such is for a later metaphysician debate. Instead, remember it is normal to contain part positive and part negative aspects and it is illogical to simply assume we are merely a mirror of that above realm or that it mirrors each of us below. Instead, as we learn life’s greatest lessons, we must honestly face those hiding in the shadows or our dark side. Remember that wisdom arisings from the lessons from within both of those aspects of our humanness and from both places do we learn to comprehend the truth of finding an inner balance. From that place does our evolvement and understanding of the self and our best lives emerge and develop.
We are truly becoming co-creators in the now; and, as the shamans and teachers of today continue assisting in creating that vision, thus we can reinvent a peaceful future instead of merely being passive byproducts of the misinformed and depressed minds. In order, to awaken our own “inner wisdom” or “inner shaman” we need to find a crack in our outer armor and then seek from within our hearts a willingness to step out of our old box/ways of thinking. Too often, it comes after a traumatic event, such as serious accident, darkness of an addiction, deep depression, divorce, loss of job/career or spiritual/mental crisis, all of which are as a dance in the blackest unlit corners of the heart/mind/spirit. Usually, the way out cannot begin until one understands they are in a space of wondering and wandering. Until something awakens the lost to a sense of there being something of light awaiting their attention or just that there is something greater toward which they might reach out and take a metaphoric hand.
All clear enough evidence that the inner shaman has heard the call our call to awaken; thus, receiving the messages and guidance from the Higher Power. On that thought, let me conclude this blog with the following and a hope that this new year will bring each of us a personal version or understanding of this truth –
When Buddha was asked if he was a god, he replied he was not. When he was asked if he was a saint, he replied he was not. ‘Then what are you,’ he was asked. “I am Awake.” He replied.